Recent content by u.froemberg

  1. U

    Automated Measurements

    Thank you very much, when I find the time again I will try to deal with it.
  2. U

    Automated Measurements

    Thank you for the clarification. I have not yet looked into the API in detail. Does REW and the API have corresponding functions, i.e. for the automatic creation of calibration files and corresponding assignment for sequential and multiple measurements? Where are the corresponding functions...
  3. U

    Automated Measurements

    I wanted to prepare measurements with sequential outputs and multiple inputs and calibrate all combinations of inputs and outputs in order to eliminate deviations between the channels. Since the transfer functions between input i and output j of an audio interface always interact, inputs and...
  4. U

    Automated Measurements

    Hello everyone, I am currently trying to perform multi-channel measurements with my RME audio interfaces using REW Pro 5.40 Beta 29. First of all, I would like to calibrate the relevant analogue input/output combinations with direct loops in order to be able to compensate for their complex...
  5. U

    REW Pro Multi-input sweep measurements

    Thank you for solving the knot.
  6. U

    REW Pro Multi-input sweep measurements

    OK, if I select "Set t=0 at IR peak" instead of "Set t=0 at IR start", the measurements are synchronised but with t=0 at the peak. What I wanted to achieve was synchronous timing with IR identical to 0 for t ≤ 0, i.e. for absolutely causal IR. I solved this by deactivating "Preserve relative...
  7. U

    REW Pro Multi-input sweep measurements

    Hi, If I carry out "Multi-input sweep measurements" and have selected the "Preserve relative timing" option, I get this timing for the first channel with the "Impulse response calculation" "Align t=0 to a sampling instant" and the alignment of the IR peak to t=0 for the other channels. This is...
  8. U

    REW Trace Arithmetic issues

    No, the misunderstanding was mine. The problem is myself. I had over 40 SPL calibrated, grouped measurements in the session and then needed relative comparisons between group averages at a reference frequency and so did SPL offsets. I was sure I had added the offsets to the data. Apparently the...
  9. U

    REW Trace Arithmetic issues

    Yes, I used the SPL axis because SPL calibration was also important to me in the measurements and I wanted to perform SPL-true calculations. All measurements used are scaled in SPL.
  10. U

    REW Trace Arithmetic issues

    I have problems with the trace arithmetic from time to time. Sometimes there are not understandable deviations from the expected results, sometimes shifts by 3 dB. To test the A/B operations, I generated simple data sets and tried some operations (with REW_macos_5_20_14ea69). With A = 0 dB and B...
  11. U

    Automatic series averaging

    Sorry, my mistake. I overlooked the "Repetitions" selection and was so sure that you set the repetitions under the "Sample rate". Thanks for resolving my knot.
  12. U

    Automatic series averaging

    Hi, since a long time I have to measure again at increased noise and wanted to arithmetically average series per measurement file to improve the S/N ratio. I think this worked in earlier versions and is also described in the REW help. However, at least in the last two Mac versions (5.20.7 and...
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