Chris A
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    • Chris A
      Looking at your RT60 decay plot, it looks like you might consider about adding one or two bass traps in the front of the room. The...
      • Markjay Mixing Mastering Room RT60 Decay Plot.jpg
    • Chris A
      Not in this case @Mike-48. Your calculation above assumes a monopole lodspeaker design with an essentially omnidirectional radiation...
    • Chris A
      Chris A replied to the thread Demastering your music.
      I just found the setting that allows PMs to be sent to me. Sorry about that--I didn't know it was set to "off". It's enabled now. Chris
    • Chris A
      Chris A replied to the thread Demastering your music.
      You can use headphones to get the spectral balance corrected, but note that headphones eliminate the stereo crosstalk issues (left ear...
    • Chris A
      Chris A replied to the thread Demastering your music.
      Well...up-mixing from 2-channel to 5-channel surround sound is something that is ubiquitous in audio today. Virtually all A/V preamps...
    • Chris A
      Chris A replied to the thread Demastering your music.
      I have a collection of Prof. Johnson's recordings, but that one I don't yet have (but may order it soon based on your comments). Of all...
    • Chris A
      Chris A replied to the thread Demastering your music.
      I think it's a much shorter list to identify those classical recordings that I've demastered. I'll see if I can update my list of...
    • Chris A
      Chris A replied to the thread Demastering your music.
      See posting #58 here.
    • Chris A
      Chris A replied to the thread Demastering your music.
      I haven't played with dynamic EQ plugins, but I've cursorily looked at them in the past. If they work by averaging EQ over an entire...
    • Chris A
      Chris A replied to the thread Demastering your music.
      Copyright laws in my country (USA) will not legally allow me to do that. (They may in your country, however.) I can only share files...
    • Chris A
      Chris A replied to the thread Demastering your music.
      I believe that I've updated the Tigerlily tracks since 2017 based on my discovery of the aural effects of flattened phase-response...
    • Chris A
      Chris A replied to the thread Demastering your music.
      Good to hear your views. I hope you have gained a degree of catharsis yourself and feel better now that you've clearly opened your...
    • Chris A
      Chris A replied to the thread Demastering your music.
      Well, it's good to know that you've got a firm opinion on the subject. So that clearly means I won't have to argue the point in your...
    • Chris A
      Chris A reacted to Travis Ballstadt's post in the thread Demastering your music with Like Like.
      Having been in a band, and having many friends in bands, I always do whatever I can to get a copy of their albums pre-mastering. I...
    • Chris A
      Chris A replied to the thread Demastering your music.
      I just rediscovered this old thread and thought that perhaps there might be others that have since joined this forum since it was...
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