Recent content by 1_sufferin_mind

  1. 1_sufferin_mind

    Synyrgy Cynyma II ( Pronounced: Lynyrd Skynyrd Too)

    Just realized I never posted a pic of the back of the room (which is still a work in progress, BTW).
  2. 1_sufferin_mind

    Synyrgy Cynyma II ( Pronounced: Lynyrd Skynyrd Too)

    It’s a given we have poor sonic memory, but my first impressions vote this room the winner by far. A deeper dive is still needed to explore two alternate speaker/sub location possibilities. I’m curious to find which of the three offers the smoothest low-end coupled to the most rewarding...
  3. 1_sufferin_mind

    Synyrgy Cynyma II ( Pronounced: Lynyrd Skynyrd Too)

    Too crazy around here to have time for text entry—daughter moved in with 4 children aged 8 months to 3 years. installed IR repeater kit, fine-tuned ventilation fan control, followed system flame-on sequence, and ran a couple of Dirac profiles for the screen and display both. Currently tweaking...
  4. 1_sufferin_mind

    Synyrgy Cynyma II ( Pronounced: Lynyrd Skynyrd Too)

    More toys and miscellaneous stuff Primed for 7.2 Primed for 7.2
  5. 1_sufferin_mind

    Synyrgy Cynyma II ( Pronounced: Lynyrd Skynyrd Too)

    So... here’s the new layout,,plumbed and ready to go!
  6. 1_sufferin_mind

    Synyrgy Cynyma II ( Pronounced: Lynyrd Skynyrd Too)

    Continuing to share recent progress, here are a few images of front stage work, cabling prep, etc. etc. ubs are on their side to replace stock footers with spikes. My 2ch rig sans turntable appears on the right. AV components are on the left rack. Warm running gear is positioned on upper...
  7. 1_sufferin_mind

    Synyrgy Cynyma II ( Pronounced: Lynyrd Skynyrd Too)

    Here are a few pics of some misc projects. The first is a smart register booster with air deflector to keep patrons comfy. The second shows the final seal on the windows during the day, along with the curtains too hide the ugly mess I made out of that! i
  8. 1_sufferin_mind

    Synyrgy Cynyma II ( Pronounced: Lynyrd Skynyrd Too)

    These images show the screen’s mounting spacers. Light from the TV passing between them really killed suspended disbelief, so I created a barrier out of cardboard and duct tape. That tape was only supposed to be temporary until the gaffing tape arrived, but I got impatient. I won’t be so happy...
  9. 1_sufferin_mind

    Synyrgy Cynyma II ( Pronounced: Lynyrd Skynyrd Too)

    It’s always nice to hear from you, Sonnie! But there’s something seriously off about me! The install was actually last week before my four day blitzkrieg, so I have many more pics to share. Maybe more of those will be less comical, lol.
  10. 1_sufferin_mind

    Synyrgy Cynyma II ( Pronounced: Lynyrd Skynyrd Too)

    The install went well until the two man crew couldn’t get the 85 pound screen to snap into its mounting rail. They found the rail/ceiling wasn’t level, so installed some wooden spacers. But they still couldn’t get it. Rescheduled again until their other team could assist. The young muscle...
  11. 1_sufferin_mind

    Synyrgy Cynyma II ( Pronounced: Lynyrd Skynyrd Too)

    The light leaking around the edges of the blackout film is worse today because the 4 panels shrank a bit. I think painter’s tape may be just what the doctor ordered to seal up the rest. EDIT: I wound up using black Gaffer’s tape, which didn’t stick to the film very well, but a little Gorilla...
  12. 1_sufferin_mind

    Synyrgy Cynyma II ( Pronounced: Lynyrd Skynyrd Too)

    If only that were the case. My parade got rained on when the installer had to postpone because of complications on another job. Moved to tomorrow afternoon. So to help them out, I spent my late afternoon and a good part of the evening measuring, cutting, and applying my window-blackout film...
  13. 1_sufferin_mind

    Synyrgy Cynyma II ( Pronounced: Lynyrd Skynyrd Too)

    T-minus 3 days and counting to projector and screen install. It’s going to be a good week!
  14. 1_sufferin_mind

    Synyrgy Cynyma II ( Pronounced: Lynyrd Skynyrd Too)

    Oh happy day!! Great news!!! Emotiva released their DIrac 2.0 version and is shipping kits. An external hardware interface is required this time around. I’m unfamiliar with details, but street talks as it that they goofed up their implementation and needed to develop a workaround. In any...