Recent content by 2234rew

  1. 2

    How can I get Audiolense to import .mdat files?

    I'm not an expert but from experienced user - this is so true.
  2. 2

    Step response - my drivers are not time aligned

    Thanks Bernt! I thought the theoretical perfection would be closer to this blue below. But it seems my understanding is wrong and its closer to what I already have ?
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    Step response - my drivers are not time aligned

    Hi @Mitchco I have 3-way DSP XO system. My drivers are not time aligned right? I need to do more work with the correction designer, iterating. At the moment, I'm only using the default - also using TTD per driver.
  4. 2

    Target curve - share your preferred here

    Finally updating my opening post. Here is mine. But I use HQPlayer for convolution and I make multiple targets for different profiles, essentially different bass profiles. Some tracks have too much bass, some too little and can do with a little bass boost. With HQPlayer I can change profiles...
  5. 2

    Atmos Speaker Setup With Multiple Subs

    Hi @juicehifi Audiolense now supports Atmos I see. Is it just just more of a configuration that it supports? There is no Atmos decoding happening? Can you expand more abut what the recent new Atmos updates mean for Auidolense capability? And Convolver now supports Atmos decoding?
  6. 2

    Target curve - share your preferred here

    Would love to "see" people's preferred target curve/s here. Both a screenshot of how it looks and upload the .target file So we can play ourselves and "listen" in the end Maybe share a story about how you reached this target. What you tried etc. I'll update this post here with mine when I'm home
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    Target Curves

    can you share your target here Bernt. I might as well try in my room and listen and tweak to my taste (if even required)
  8. 2

    Need help with "The channel setup is not supported by the sound card - Maybe too many channels?" error

    You and friend need to get a better mic like EMX-7150 And use single interface for both DAC and mic pre/ADC - and therefore single ASIO driver. This is the solution to smoothest Audiolense experience. Trying to get a UMIK-1 to work can be a nightmare. And even if you can get to work (say with...
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    Calibrating multichannel AVP/AVR system with Audiolense

    Nice post. I use a Denon AVR. I have a lightly different purpose to you because each amplifier channel output is connected to separate speaker drivers DSP crossover is done for each channel. But overall process is the similar to you - instead of 8 channels for 8 speakers I use 8 channels for...
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    miniDSP UMIK-1 or UMIK-2

    Acourate - this does multichannel measurement a completely different way to Audiolense.
  11. 2

    Solution for Those that Want it: Sending all system sounds + music to audiolense convolver

    I have already been through your exact method and all known Windows methods. In the end, much easier and more reliable to use macOS and get @Mitchco's HLC + free BlackHole virtual driver. The experience is way way way better yes, other than for work, I will never have Windows in my personal...
  12. 2

    Office 2.1 system - subwoofer behind my seat

    Hi @juicehifi and @Mitchco I have a 2.1 office system but the only place I can have my subwoofer is behind me. My Earthworks M23 Mic is at the chair and pointing at the speakers. Which means the subwoofer is behind the mic. I know subwoofers and great mics are meant to be 'omni-directional'...
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    miniDSP UMIK-1 or UMIK-2

    If it starts to bother you, there's nothing stopping you from using your other multichannel DAC for playback. The main thing is the 'best practise' for the measurement part (1 clock for ADC and DAC)
  14. 2

    miniDSP UMIK-1 or UMIK-2

    What is connected to your Motu? Windows? macOS ? Linux streamer?