Antoine B
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    • Antoine B
      Antoine B replied to the thread Programs used by REW.
      Yeah I think I wasn't clear enough due to english issues, but I said I will first look at the sources and come back if I still don't...
    • Antoine B
      Antoine B replied to the thread Programs used by REW.
      I will look at the sources, however if I already see the big picture, I would like to know the detail, which mathematical function is...
    • Antoine B
      Antoine B replied to the thread Programs used by REW.
      These ones : Guy-Bart Stan, Jean-Jacques Embrechts, Dominique Archambeau, "Comparison of different impulse response measurement...
    • Antoine B
      Antoine B replied to the thread Programs used by REW.
      Can you please link me a more detailed paper than the one cited in the help ?
    • Antoine B
      As a recent REW user, I am disappointed by the absence of a formalisation of the procedure. In the help, it is described pedagogically...
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