Recent content by Audio_Guy_UofW

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    How many subwoofers are you using in your main system or home theater?

    I'm using 4 12" DIY sealed subs in my HT setup. They are located in the corners of my 15x19' room, and driven by 2 stereo B&O IcePower 500 modules. Alignment and tuning via MiniDSP 2x4 balanced, with parameters derived using REW and MSO. I use a house curve flat to about 100 Hz then rising to +6...
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    Cool Accessory! - Passive in-ear device to cancel sound distortions caused by the shape of your ear.

    You have lized your whole life with the shape of your ear, and your brain has adapted to localize sounds with what are called Pinna (ear) Cues. Anything that messes with this is going to subtract, not add to your audio capabilities. Sounds like total snake oil to me.
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    What new feature has inspired you to change your equipment to the latest & greatest?

    Yes, upgraded from a Denon 4700 to a 6700 so I could have front 9.4.4 setup. It is an improvement in immersion, but only on some source material that has s lot of ambient or surround effects.
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    Streamer and subscriptions: How are you streaming music?

    I have a Roon lifetime subscription and stream Tidal and Qobuz. I had meant to migrate from Tidal to Qobuz to save money, but have procrastinated due to hassle of migrating favorites....and have less incentive now that Tidal has dropped prices. One day...
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    Vinyl Cleaning Methods - How do you clean your vinyl?

    Being technical snd somewhat obsessive, I base my cleaning regimen on the expansive document Precision Aqueous Cleaning of Vinyl Records. It covers vacuum and ultrasonic cleaning, focusing on safety (some solutions recommended on the internet are highly flammable), efficacy, and lack of damage...
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    Epson Breaks the Mold, Takes Aim at Higher-End Projectors with Its New 4K Q Series

    Wonder how the black levels and contrast will compare to JVC?
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    Uneven Frequency Response in Treated Room

    The low frequency peaks and dips are most likely room modes, which are nearly impossible to treat with absorption...other than tuned absorbers. Multi Sub layouts can mitigate this, especially if individually tuned using minidsp/MSO or Dirac ARC or similar multisub optimization approaches.
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    CEA 2010 - Peak Value Reported vs RTA Spectrum Peak

    OK, I think I figured it out. I didn't realize that the generator still had to be running to generate the it was set to the wrong frequency.
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    CEA 2010 - Peak Value Reported vs RTA Spectrum Peak

    Thanks John, makes sense. I have another question. In the attached measurement, which has quite high distortion, the overlay does not appear to be lined up with the fundamental. How can I correct this? Thanks
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    CEA 2010 - Peak Value Reported vs RTA Spectrum Peak

    Hi, I am sure there is a simple explanation, but I am trying to figure out why the CEA2010 peak value reported is so much higher than the RTA spectrum value at the peak. See attached chart. Based on the input levels, I actually would expect that the acoustic peak level would be around that...
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    DUNE Pt 2 - who has seen it?

    I haven't had the wash-out issue in my local IMAX theatres...that is crazy & easily fixed with some light baffles. The sound has been loud...but I wouldn't say any higher SPL than a Dolby theatre. Depends on the film, of course. I always take musicians earplugs and often wear them to moderate...
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    DUNE Pt 2 - who has seen it?

    Todd, interested in what was your issue with IMAX? I enjoyed Pt 1 by the way, although I did find it a bit slow.
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    Bass Hunters Episode 14: John Wick Chapter 4 in 4K HDR with Dolby Atmos

    Thanks for this Todd! Great analysis of the LFE content. One thought: when you present the FFT...are you able to increase the FFT length, so as to provide better resolution at the lowest frequencies?
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    Calibration with import audio files

    Hi, I am using Audacity to capture an REW sweep file pushed to a device under test. I then export this to a WAV file, and import as an audio file into REW. This is a mic measurement, and the scaling/calibration appears off although the frequency response looks right. The mic had been...
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    REW 5.20.14 Crash

    Thanks! I was able to recover the measurements, although not the derived curves (|A|/|B|). Still, much better than having to repeat the measurements. I increased the memory allocation to 4 GB...hopefully that will prevent future issues. Thanks for your help!