Recent content by BJB

  1. B

    Cheap Laptop Recommendation for REW/MiniDSP

    I would suggest to get one with an HDMI port not displayport so you don't need to convert to hdmi and can run natively. Less variables to debug. I use an older laptop I added memory to for this reason. BJB
  2. B

    REW 7.1 and Umik recognition with Java, ASIO4ALL or FlexASIO

    Thanks for all the help here. It has taken a while but have now tried the OEM Lenovo adapter. Same 11 can send 7.1 test tones to Denon receiver and receiver plays the tones through each speaker. Music plays etc. However REW when using Java and the EXCL Denon does not output...
  3. B

    REW 7.1 and Umik recognition with Java, ASIO4ALL or FlexASIO

    @suspect1, Does your laptop have HDMI or are you using an adapter like me? I have not tried rolling back Denon firmware and probably wouldn't. I hate when the holidays and travel interfere with my audio fun I have not been able to try my new Lenevo adapter but will over the next week. BJB
  4. B

    REW 7.1 and Umik recognition with Java, ASIO4ALL or FlexASIO

    Thanks again for all the help. I am no longer using that other adapter as I memtioned and it was bought locally. I purchased the Lenovo adapter and it will arrive shortly and will then test. Specifically this one: Lenovo USB C to HDMI 2.0b Adapter I have a Lenovo Yoga...
  5. B

    REW 7.1 and Umik recognition with Java, ASIO4ALL or FlexASIO

    Thanks for all the help and suggestions. This forum is great. The Yoga mentioned above is not the model I have. Mine has and passes at least 2 channel audio as I can hear windows sounds. Before I bought the Yoga I swore I saw a thread of someone successfully using an adapter he mentioned with...
  6. B

    REW 7.1 and Umik recognition with Java, ASIO4ALL or FlexASIO

    Thanks! I am using a rear HDMI port. Today I played an audio file on the laptop and it played fine through the receiver to the mains. Windows sounds do also. Under the windows "apps"sound section the output is the AVR. The laptop in windows and REW "sees" the AVR as a 7.1 device but won't play...
  7. B

    REW 7.1 and Umik recognition with Java, ASIO4ALL or FlexASIO

    @AustinJerry, thanks for the followup! I so appreciate your guide and help and doing this testing. I will of course defer to the experts but since the USB-C to HDMI converter is on the output side of the PC (essentially the end of the USB-C cable) my thought was that should not stop REW from...
  8. B

    REW 7.1 and Umik recognition with Java, ASIO4ALL or FlexASIO

    Thanks again for helping me out, changing defaults definitely allowed the 7.1 to show up. As to the microphone I had set it to db and set it to +9.4dB per the FAQ I was following so I will try it at zero. As to ouput audio, I thought that was odd too. I will triple check the "level" in the...
  9. B

    REW 7.1 and Umik recognition with Java, ASIO4ALL or FlexASIO

    Sorry about that. As it was making a connection had not even thought of it until I got no connectivity. With many newer laptops, and for sure Lenovo, USB-C is replacing HDMI. To be specific it is USB-C on a Lenovo Yoga windows 11 laptop. I use the adapter to connect to a monitor when needed...
  10. B

    REW 7.1 and Umik recognition with Java, ASIO4ALL or FlexASIO

    Thanks for planning to fix the FlexASIO issue. Appreciate all you do. I tried a new adapter, different Denon input, and changed windows output default from AVR and switched from umik input default too. I setup the denon in windows as 7.1 although not sure if necessary using this method. Then...
  11. B

    REW 7.1 and Umik recognition with Java, ASIO4ALL or FlexASIO my receiver does not even appear in Windows. I use a J5 thunderbolt to hdmi adapter from my Lenovo Yoga. It was not. Do I recall there was a specific adapter brand that most had success with? This isn't even an audio hdmi connectivity, no image on TV...
  12. B

    REW 7.1 and Umik recognition with Java, ASIO4ALL or FlexASIO

    Thanks, Yes, the Denon was selected as the default (green check) although I didn't do it. The umik also for microphone. Should I choose something else as the windows default for output and microphone?? Then try REW again? I also have both exclusive mode boxes checked in windows for both...
  13. B

    REW 7.1 and Umik recognition with Java, ASIO4ALL or FlexASIO

    It was suggested that I also post this question here vs. my original forum. I have also received a lot of great help here. I was excited to try the Java driver on my newer Win 11 laptop (Lenovo Yoga) especially after the fun I had with ASIO4ALL on my old Win10 laptop. Although I did get it to...
  14. B

    Moving to new Lenovo Yoga 7 Windows 11 laptop - AISO and HDMI questions

    Thanks! Will try FlexASIO and the adapter I have (a J5 Create) and hope I get 8 channels. Thanks again, BJBBJB
  15. B

    Moving to new Lenovo Yoga 7 Windows 11 laptop - AISO and HDMI questions

    Thanks! Sounds like I should install FlexASIO first then install REW? My goal is to have full HDMI REW multi channel output. Thanks, BJB