Recent content by cap33444

  1. C

    All time favorite Movie Thread

    The good news it is too hard to pick just one!!! Comedy - Duck Soup Sci Fi - Forbidden Planet Romance - Casablanca Action - Indiana Jones And The Raiders Of The Lost Ark Mystery - Maltese Falcon Fantasy - Princess Bride (just beats out Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2)
  2. C

    Streamer and subscriptions: How are you streaming music?

    I'm more a Movies guy nowadays. I have Apple Music and stream that via an ATV 4K thru a Denon 4700 and also via my vintage Pioneer SX-737 using a SONOS Port. With some 4-6K hearing loss and constant tinnitus thanks to that, this works good enough for me. 500 CDs are mostly out of plastic and in...