I am another person that is NOT an expert.....In my reading, area covered rather than volume consumed is the more important factor. I have about 1/2 the area covered that the calculator said I needed for my room volume/dimensions. It made a positive audible difference, by my graphs don't look...
It is an offset that is applied to the measured range. It shouldn't matter.
So, I would just add 46.5dB to each value. That will give you RELATIVE offsets.
I am in the middle of trying to understand my room's response and trying to treat my room (bass traps at this point). Thanks for the explanation above.
From the Help file
Calibration File Format
The calibration file is a plain text file which by default has the extension .cal, though other extensions are also accepted. It should contain the actual gain (and optionally phase) response of the meter or microphone at the frequencies...
I saw in the MiniDSP tuning thread that you traded the 2019 in and now have the 12" HU in a 2020. I let my 2014 Limited with an 8.4 go with everything in it (Helix Pro based.) and bought 2020 Limited with the 12". I have not attempted another build but I am starting to get the bug again. The...
Have I missed how to export the "Predicted" graph so I can import it as a measurement?
I am trying to tune my car speakers. It would be handy to compare the predicted effects of the EQ filters against actual results measured on the same graph. Right now I am comparing hard copies of initial...
The 118HT would make a great replacement of the of the 15" bargain brand that I am using now in my smallish HT. That is probably not the best home for it. I have been toying with a home addition for a dedicated HT room for a couple of years. So far, I have not been able to convince myself to...
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