Recent content by divyamrawal

  1. divyamrawal

    Error in Importing Frequency Response

    Exporting and Reimporting of frequency response Disables Estimate IR Display Settings I exported frequency response as text file to remove box diffraction after doing so, importing it back result in getting the desired near field response but while splicing or merging it with far field the...
  2. divyamrawal

    Help Me Out ! Please copy the above link and paste in browser I am Product Designer developing Speaker Enclosure I've invited you to fill out a form: request you to fill the form thoroughly and help us in building the dream project. The Audio Project We are Industrial Designers, engaged...
  3. divyamrawal

    An audiophile Industrial Designer

    Helllloo!!!!! I am Divyam Rawal a beginner audiophile trying to build Professional Subwoofer Enclosure. By Profession, I am Product Designer Trying to use my knowledge to produce an amazing product with a reasonable price and high efficiency. Help and suggestion always welcome.