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    • D
      Dtune replied to the thread Target Curves.
      Well, this thread is proving to be educational, but not exactly in the way I originally intended. Thanks to Moedra I have a more...
    • D
      Dtune replied to the thread Target Curves.
      My room is made of logs and sounds very different than when I was in a drywall lined room. Also dimensions are generous. Sounds great. I...
    • D
      Dtune replied to the thread Target Curves.
      The sound is pretty transformative compared to listening without audiolense. I was certainly prepared for an improvement in the bass...
    • D
      Dtune replied to the thread Target Curves.
      Well I can't thank you enough. I can't say I fully understand this. Mitch has said in some posts to use a small time value (1-2ms) in...
    • D
      Dtune replied to the thread Target Curves.
      Nope That's amazing! Could you share the CPD settings and target? I knew about mixed phase targets but didn't really know how to...
    • D
      Dtune replied to the thread Target Curves.
      Zipped now, see if that works.
    • D
      Dtune replied to the thread Target Curves.
      Yes I have already been through a few iterations and the results have improved. Very counterintuitive but a 4 octave crossover slope...
    • D
      Dtune replied to the thread Target Curves.
      Thanks for those Target curves and offer to help! Much appreciated. Two full range mains plus 4 stereo (2+2) subs. Here's my current...
      • Screenshot - 2024-06-22 11-46-45.png
    • D
      Dtune replied to the thread Target Curves.
      That does seem to be the approach of many. I was approaching this as a shared learning experience particularly with new users. That way...
    • D
      Dtune posted the thread Target Curves in Audiolense User Forum.
      Hi, could someone point to some saved target curves for Audiolense? My skill with mouse and little dots drawing precise curves leaves...
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