Recent content by gp4Jesus

  1. G

    Where were you 10 years ago?

    DIY to 20hz or lower in a small-ish closure - you got my attention! I think I saw a sub closure design something like if not the same on Pinterest. What driver or specs for the same get things started? Thanks
  2. G

    PEQ in the Alignment tool

    What is the “alignment tool?”
  3. G

    TopGun Maverick… It’s here!

    please explain*? I thought I knew what “the digital** version**” meant because I’ve seen them included w/Blu-Ray releases. But I’ve never pursued “viewing” them**. I doubt I know how because my BDP works. Kaleidescape? NEVER heard of it until today!
  4. G

    GSG Audio Design AIY / DIY subwoofer Q&A Thread

    Specs? $ of admission?
  5. G

    Outlaw Audio Model 976 7.2 Surround Processor Review

    Thank you for your patience concerning this problem. Tough to get unbridled time w/the TV as, in spite of some have their own. Next chance my family ALLOWS, I’ll take a trip through the menus. I’m sorry for asking an answered question. PEQ ON, all settings flat on all channels, “…there is a...
  6. G

    Outlaw Audio Model 976 7.2 Surround Processor Review

    Phil would be MUCH better served taking this to the Outlaw Saloon, posting everything on/in the under the 976. You may also buI THINK you MAY have solved your problem as yours seems to be a calibration setting. I’m terribly sorry your reply twists my senior citizen attention disorder into knots...
  7. G

    Outlaw Audio Model 976 7.2 Surround Processor Review

    You & Dread would be MUCH better served taking this to the Outlaw Saloon, posting everything on/in the under the 976. I’ll still try to help you as this has me intrigued and Kefs were* my first speakers Also I learned something new. I did not know you can turn it (PEQ) on and off w/out boosting...
  8. G

    Outlaw Audio Model 976 7.2 Surround Processor Review

    I’ll take a SWAG: the DSP or DAC is taxed, perhaps? Maybe-e-e EQ induced phase distortion? I hope someone chimes in w/a more intelligent answer. Can you post the respective channel or channels EQ curve or describe the frequency peaks dips(dB and wide/medium/narrow band) PEQ ON or OFF? Side...
  9. G

    How does a HDMI handshake work?

    Thanks for starting this thread. I’m trying to hack a manual “single HDMI in double HDMI output” switch, so on power up, my pre/pro trigger will switch for me. It’s complicated, too complicated to explain right now. Tony
  10. G

    How to Route Bass Frequency Left/Right In A Triamp Set Up As One Channel

    I’m struggling to get my head around what you’re trying to do along w/the method of execution. I used just two 3-way EXOs & 5 stereo amps to tri-amp my LR & bi-amp my center w/out whatEVER you are doing
  11. G

    Active vs Passive Speakers... Do you have a preference?

    1. So this T33 is smaller than the T52? Otherwise the M100 is the same as the M10. save for some XO refinements. I recall well recorded material sounded almost spooky, but in a good way. From the pics, your M100’s tweeter certainly look different, and now that you mention it, smaller. IIRC my...
  12. G

    Active vs Passive Speakers... Do you have a preference?

    Those M100s look remarkably like the M2 & M3 big brother, the M10. Do they have a rear baffle mounted oval passive radiator?
  13. G

    Active vs Passive Speakers... Do you have a preference?

    The short answer: Active any day of the week and twice in Sunday. Digital or analog, I have both. For ~8 years I’ve made extensive use of DSP* in the LCR of my Home Theater. My surrounds are pending. *converted from passive. “Yesterday,” analog in the form of Circa early 80s designed and...
  14. G

    Outlaw Audio Model 976 7.2 Surround Processor Review

    I’m glad your another happy 976 owner. Your thoughts on SQ? For me the 975 was quite the upgrade from the 1068. The 976 took it up another notch. copy directly to the Outlaw! I MUST look into REW though transferring its readings to my 3rd party PEQs where I can would work too. Does allow...