Recent content by Greg C

  1. G

    I would like some clarification regarding the setting of channel volume levels in a Marantz 7703 Preamp.

    Sorry for the confusion Todd, and thanks for asking! I was really just seeking confirmation that these Preamps operate the way I thought they did. I thought one could set up Manual Setup mode one way(speaker distance, speaker volume, speaker config) and Audyssey another(speaker distance...
  2. G

    Using REW to calculate speaker distance but not having any luck

    I guess the whole exercise was moot anyway. I Just ran Audyessy and it changed all my settings in Manual setup, so any setup I enter will be over ridden with Audyessy anyway. If I want to change anything I’d have to edit it with the Audyessy app, save it and load it. Thanks for the response!
  3. G

    Using REW to calculate speaker distance but not having any luck

    How close should repeated measurements of any speaker distance/delay be?? What might one expect in terms of precision and repeatability?? I tried again today after playing with the settings and volume level. Playing is an accurate term because I'm way out of my wheelhouse. Still no repeatability.
  4. G

    Using REW to calculate speaker distance but not having any luck

    Thank you for your suggestion, sam_adams. I checked and unfortunately that box was already ticked. I did some more reading last night and discovered that perhaps my testing volume was too low??? I'll try it again sometime today and see if I can stumble onto something. I'll report back. Thanks...
  5. G

    Using REW to calculate speaker distance but not having any luck

    I can't seem to get repeatable results using REW to determine time delays for my speaker distances. I measured all my speakers to get time delays in REW, then entered those results into my Preamp. I expected results of repeated measurements on any single channel to at least come close to one...
  6. G

    I would like some clarification regarding the setting of channel volume levels in a Marantz 7703 Preamp.

    It is my assumption that when I run Audyssey Setup, the preamp holds those channel volume levels and applies them every time I use any Audyssey setting on a given input. The only time those change is if I adjust them in Audyssey Setup, or through the Audyssey app, or rerun Audyssey Setup. It...
  7. G

    Dolby Atmos and REW

    Thanks again, thothsong When I use the MacBook Pro to send any 7.1 Channel test tone output through REW, it works perfectly but as you say, when using the DD signal it plays the height sweeps wherever it feels like it. I'll see about an alternative!
  8. G

    Dolby Atmos and REW

    I have a Marantz 7703 Preamp. I setup my Mackbook Pro with the mic and HDMI connection for use with REW and the measurement sweeps acquired in this thread. I performed several measurements to see if everything was working correctly prior to actually quieting everything down to seriously take...
  9. G

    Dolby Atmos and REW

    I finally got it figured out. Thanks for the files and the help! I actually read the entire thread and the answer was within. Someday, I may learn to read the instructions. Thank you, thothsong
  10. G

    Dolby Atmos and REW

    I'm new to this whole REW thing and I haven't used a forum in years, but I tried these ceiling sweeps and I've not been successful getting them to play. I use a Macbook to use REW so maybe that is part of the issue. When I try to get a measurement the file seems to load ok. It seem to start...