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      Howard123 replied to the thread Los Angeles Set-Up.
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      Howard123 replied to the thread Los Angeles Set-Up.
      The first event is a public event, consciouslifeexpo.com Also, the second event is a public event at the Sheraton hotel next door. The...
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      Howard123 replied to the thread Los Angeles Set-Up.
      Its an audio only set-up. Its actually a pretty simple set-up, (2) large speakers, I have the miniDSP UMIK-1 Measurement Microphone...
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      Howard123 replied to the thread Los Angeles Set-Up.
      Yes, I am looking for someone physically to visit and help set it up. There are two events, the first one is this at the Los Angeles...
    • H
      Hi, I am looking for someone who can help me set-up a system in Los Angeles. We are doing an event and need some assistance. We have a...
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