Well, this is embarrassing. One thing I thought I had done was setting WASAPI exclusive ON. When I checked the setup, both were off. I turned them on and restarted several times. Everything came up fine and the dB meter was correct. Sorry for wasting your time.
It doesn't matter what driver is used. Java, ASIO4ALL and FlexASIO.
I need to use ASIO to be able send signal to the miniDSP Flex Eight. If I use Java drivers I have to load miniDSP Console to configure, then unload and load REW to use USB to send audio, then unload to use Console to load...
I'm always using the latest version and I always get this error. I'm using FlexASIO and UMM-6 and it's PITA to haul out my mic calibrator every time I want to use the SPL meter window to reset the data.
By asymmetric I meant relative to the whole room and shifting the MLP. It appears now that the speakers fire down the room. Perhaps swinging the speakers 30° CCW and moving the sub[?] between them. This assumes the mains are not part of the HT system. A floor plan would help immensely. It...
Acoustic treatment is a whole 'nother can of worms and not for the faint of heart. Perhaps the OP can post dimensions and images so we can better assist.
Another option is the Eminent Technology LFT-8b. Full dynamic and easily Triamped. New version is more efficient. With DSP XO, room correction filters and time-correction, they are outstanding on everything from Miles to Queen to the London Philharmonic. Subs are Martin-Logan 800x.
I had a look at the measurements, but there's nothing I can tell from them about the sound.
Have you tried room simulation in REW to see the effects of various speaker and sub positions? Unfortunately, REW doesn't handle asymmetric room shapes.
With your gear, I would forgo any external add on...
@ astolfo:
continuous 0-180° phase control means that you can set the phase adjustment to any value between 0 and 180°. Without it, you either need time delay or a strong back to shift the subs. This page covers my 20 years dealing with subs ieLogical Subterranean Homesick Blues
To use a Hi...
REL doesn't list the remote control functionality for #25.
IMO the miniDSP 2x4HD is superb in the digital domain and mediocre using the analog input. I use two 2x4HD in my tube tri-amp w subs.
Assuming the REL has adequate control: Level, CONTINUOUS 0-180° Phase, Polarity, variable XO and...
yes, TWO 2x4HD. One per channel
I wrote embedded software and Windoze applications to control the devices. Our devices connected via USB which has a 127 device limit. That one has to plug in, and then tell the miniDSP software to connect is strictly 1980's. Both the old and new plug-ins...
which mentioned miniDSP and measurement positions in the first post, both of which I have a fair history. :wink:
I've looked at the AL et al spaces.
With a later career as embedded hardware and software engineer, NO computers in the HiFi :wits:
From an earlier career as a recording engineer...
I tried the 4x10HD for a while to overcome the poor remote tracking of 2x 2x4HD
In the 2x4HD, 80ms @ 0.01ms delay increments are possible, vs 9ms @ 0.01ms in the 4x10HD.
My subs are nearly coplanar with the LFT's so there is not a lot of shift necessary. I roll the bottom out of the woofers and...
I don't use Audiolense. I use REW and adjust miniDSP frequency response and time for coherence.
Subs have Anthem Room Correction built in. I let it do its worst and then integrate the woofers for best match at the LP
"Corners" are where the individual drivers cease to be linear either dropping level or rising in distortion.
I did change xover points between nearfield and LP measurements.
Speakers are Eminent Tech LFT-8b.
First pass was to emulate the stock XO to ascertain feasibility of 2x miniDSP 2x4HD as...
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