Recent content by Krunok

  1. K

    Any interest in an REW android app?

    I'm in contact with the author, his name is Julian Bunn. AudioTool Pro version works pretty much ok, the only thing I'm really missing is to be able to apply smoothing to the measruements, so right now I'm trying to talk him into implementing it. :)
  2. K

    Any interest in an REW android app?

    That is not what I'm looking for. I would be interested, and willing to pay for it, in an Android version of the REW app containing only basic functionality so I can make quick RTA scan using pink noise and/or sweep. I have Dayton Audio iMM-6 calibrated mic that works well with Android but...
  3. K

    Any interest in an REW android app?

    I'm sure it would, in a scenario where every functionality is to be ported. But my guess is that most folks would be more than happy with an ability to make RTA and sweep measurement.and display results. :)
  4. K

    Any interest in an REW android app?

    It would be great even if only a basic functionality would be available, like say RTA FR measurement using periodic pink noise, so just enough to quickly adjust speakers!
  5. K

    REW measurement cross over advice

    XO120 variant probably sounds better to you because of more linear bass roll-off toward mids. However, accoring to research done by Toole at al. most of the listeners in blind tests preferred linear curve sloped down by 10dB over the 20-20000 range, as shown with red line on your measruemens...
  6. K

    Feature proposal: stepped sine to be played as file

    I see, thank you. Well, if you ever end up with having nothing better to do, I'd appreciate if you implement it. :)
  7. K

    Feature proposal: stepped sine to be played as file

    Hello, would it be possible to have stepped sine generated as a file so it can be played via external player in a same manner it can be done with measurement sweeps? Br
  8. K

    Help With the Final Step of REW measurement averaging + rePhase

    Try doing pink noise RTA measurement using moving microphone method over some small area (say 0.4m2). Make 4-5 sweeps over the same area. When yuou use Average the responses, as the frequency response has been averaged result will converge toward RTA measurement but you have lost time domain...
  9. K

    Help With the Final Step of REW measurement averaging + rePhase

    Yes, so far so good - now you have predicted response according to the filter created with rePhase. What I dont' understand is why that tutorial insists on using the vector averaging which was designed for correcting the phase. For correcting the frequency response you should use "Average The...
  10. K

    EQ feature suggestion

    I would very much appreciate that. I would also very much appreciate if you can add a 3rd control for the max Q in the transition range (say from 200Hz-700Hz).
  11. K

    EQ feature suggestion

    I find REW EQ feature quite usefull. Assuming you provide it with precise uncorrected measurement you can get very good results with it's autimatic correction. Following the idea of the feature to optionally allow narrow filters below 200Hz I would like to propose 2 additional checkboxes to be...
  12. K

    REW showing different graph after importing an IR that has been exported from REW

    I'm sorry if I sounded rude, that was not my intention. My point was that mic cal indeed should be applied automatically to all measurements, incuding exported IR, or at least have it as an option. Mic cal box seems to be checked by default when REW is started so it is always shown when taking...
  13. K

    REW showing different graph after importing an IR that has been exported from REW

    This is how cal file of my UMIK-1 looks when put in correct scale. Although those corrections are not big I would still prefer to have them in exported IR as they contribute to precision of my measurement. In fact I would prefer mic cal correction to be applied to the measurements automatically...
  14. K

    REW showing different graph after importing an IR that has been exported from REW

    I am, and you are right, that explains the difference. I'm sure you had your reasons to make it this way but, as I'm using exported IR as an input to an EQ software I would certainly prefer it includes measurement correction from cal file. Can you maybe make that as an option? Btw, IMHO...