Recent content by linearphase

  1. L

    Poor measurements of Scarlet Solo, setup issues??

    Might this be case of the signal source turned off or a open cable?
  2. L

    How to measure soundproofing with REW?

    Perfect I have done this before with the RTA Function. I measured the noise floor outside the room first then set the SPL so that with noise on it was 10dB above that floor. It was loud but not loud enough to damage anything. Then I measured just inside the door and compared the curves. Next...
  3. L

    How to measure soundproofing with REW?

    John, lacking a timing reference and just looking at the freq domain magnitude component how would you use waveform math to subtract the in room response and the outside the room response to determine transmission loss?
  4. L

    Impulse response is inverted

    It really doesn’t matter as long as both speakers are the same. If it really bothers you just select invert in the gears menu dialog. Just curious why do you have the graph so compressed horizontally? That is not a very useful display for anything I am aware of.
  5. L

    At what point did you stop REW measuring and buy treatments?

    Very nice room! Sounds like you have arrived at a good solution, congratulations!
  6. L

    At what point did you stop REW measuring and buy treatments?

    That is very kind. Every speaker / room/ placement combination will produce different results and require different settings. When you say you are pointing the speaker 55cm outside of the MLP do you mean that a line that passes through the center of the tweeter is pointing that far outside the...
  7. L

    At what point did you stop REW measuring and buy treatments?

    When the speakers are OUT IF PHASE the hole should be as “clearly defined” as possible. Because of the room and room treatment characteristics correct is hard to clearly define. This is a sensitive relative measurement. Maybe only 50% of the people can hear what is BEST, though most can hear...
  8. L

    Resistive Load for Amp Testing

    The easiest way is to use an LCR meter like that described above. But you can do it cheaper. Do you have sound card? With that and REW you can measure impedance over the entire audio range and also meter Inductance , capacitance and resistance, impedance is really why you need to know. Just...
  9. L

    Resistive Load for Amp Testing

    Well that sorta sucks. I thought that might be an issue. Might I ask how inductive is the load? Did you measure the whole load or just a single element.
  10. L

    Soundbar Recommendations

    Have him look at the Zvox SB700. I have the smaller version and it has a very pleasing native response.I play music through my Apple TV to it via ROON and the SQ is quite good. As an aside if he is older and or has hearing issues it has a voice enhancer that works very well.I have recommended to...
  11. L

    Resistive Load for Amp Testing

    This one would be easier to connect to. note I have no experience with using water heater element as a dummy load. If they have a nichrome...
  12. L

    Resistive Load for Amp Testing

    Looks like that design has there different elements with one side of each element shorted together. You could remove the shorting bar and just connect to each element separately then use the rules I gave you above. Using 6000 W/ 220 Volts and assuming those figures are for the total wattage of...
  13. L

    Resistive Load for Amp Testing

    Yes parallel all four ( horizontally) sets for two ohms. Just two for 4 ohms. You can also put the left two in series, the right two in series and the parallel those two series connections for double the power 4 ohms. Other combinations are of course possible. The formula for resistors in...
  14. L

    Newly upgraded speakers now bright, harsh. Questions about how to determine what part of the upgrade caused this.

    The "improved" speaker not only has more high frequency energy, it also has more variation in the the response over a large range. Additionally it has less bass extension due to the lack of a sub. All this assumes the new measurement was taken in exactly the same place. The problem is the...
  15. L

    At what point did you stop REW measuring and buy treatments?

    The above graph represents improvements in both and extension of low frequency response as well as improved overall smoothness. Even more impressive is the improvement in time domain which is called the energy time curve. These two repose are intimately related mathematically but in a non...