Recent content by mechman

  1. mechman

    CES 2025 New TVs & all other New A/V products

    HDMI 2.2... well, let's just say cart before the horse. Again.
  2. mechman

    CES 2025 New TVs & all other New A/V products

    And at that time you’ll be looking starry eyed at the models coming out in January! :rofl:
  3. mechman

    CES 2025 New TVs & all other New A/V products

    Well Hisense has a 136” microLED at CES. And while that one will cost a small fortune, it’ll only drive the 98-115” displays down in price.
  4. mechman

    CES 2025 New TVs & all other New A/V products

    Saw some very interesting news regarding TCL's new lineup as well as Samsung's new 115" Q90F. Have you seen these yet Robert?
  5. mechman

    Google and Samsung are going after Dolby

    I think that this is more geared towards the licensing that manufacturers pay to Dolby than actual gear or equipment. Yes, that could very well be a by product of it. But this is more of a shot across the bow with regards to licensing fees that companies are paying to Dolby. Will it result in...
  6. mechman

    FX: The Bear

    FYI - merged the thread that was in the Trailers forum with this one here.
  7. mechman


    Welcome aboard! :T
  8. mechman

    Hi from Toulouse France

    Welcome to AV NIRVANA!
  9. mechman

    CES 2025 New TVs & all other New A/V products

    Thanks Robert! Appreciate it!
  10. mechman

    TCL's New Flagship 115" QM891G and the 98"-65" QM851G QD MiniLED

    That's the thing, I have a 180 at the bottom of the stairs that would have to be navigated. There is an office that can be used but I'd be uncomfortable until I tested it with my 100" Elite projector screen.
  11. mechman

    How often do you upgrade your TV?

    At that size, you'd have to sit within about 5 feet for any resolution upgrade to have an effect. If you were to go larger, then the benefits of a better resolution will start to make sense.
  12. mechman

    TCL's New Flagship 115" QM891G and the 98"-65" QM851G QD MiniLED

    When my projector dies or the bulb reaches its end of life, this will be my next theater room upgrade. It'll probably be between the TCL and the Hisense. I just gotta make certain that I can get one down the basement stairs. :ponder:
  13. mechman

    How often do you upgrade your TV?

    If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.
  14. mechman

    The Dark Crystal: Steelbook Edition - 4K Blu-ray Review

    Same. It was a long time ago though.