Recent content by MikeyMac

  1. MikeyMac

    Power Sound Audio Has Created A New Flagship Subwoofer (S7201)

    Really disappointing that PSA no longer makes the S7201 I was hoping to add a second one
  2. MikeyMac

    The Official Power Sound Audio Subwoofer Discussion Thread

    The plan was to take the one from the rear of the sofa and now stand it up on the left rear of the sofa and for good measure another on the rear right
  3. MikeyMac

    McIntosh and Focal Utopia and Power Sound Audio S7201

    This thread is for the general discussion of the item McIntosh and Focal Utopia and Power Sound Audio S7201. Please add to the discussion here.
  4. McIntosh and Focal Utopia and Power Sound Audio S7201

    McIntosh and Focal Utopia and Power Sound Audio S7201

    1) McIntosh MC601 monoblocks powering the fronts left & right speakers which are Focal 1038be, the MC601 are connected to the Pioneer SC-LX901 AV Receiver (2) McIntosh MC452 stereo amplifier powering the Side left & right which are Focal Utopias L&R, the MC452 is connected to the Pioneer...
  5. MikeyMac

    The Official Power Sound Audio Subwoofer Discussion Thread

    I did but it’s been added to so I will need to update it
  6. MikeyMac

    The Official Power Sound Audio Subwoofer Discussion Thread

    Here is the S7201 with the S3602
  7. MikeyMac

    The Official Power Sound Audio Subwoofer Discussion Thread

    Yes if cost is not to expensive and he can do me a deal that’s the plan
  8. MikeyMac

    The Official Power Sound Audio Subwoofer Discussion Thread

    The PSA7201 is discontinued why ? Wasn’t this their flagship model and I was hoping to add another one
  9. MikeyMac

    The Official Power Sound Audio Subwoofer Discussion Thread

    Another quick video now with another McIntosh MC452 added and now really enjoying the sound
  10. MikeyMac

    The Official Power Sound Audio Subwoofer Discussion Thread

    Awesome another owner joining us. I eventually fixed the hum it was a ground loop and connecting the 7201 to the same AV socket completely eliminated the hum. A few weeks in it’s sounding better every week
  11. MikeyMac

    The Official Power Sound Audio Subwoofer Discussion Thread

    Thank you yes it’s definitely a treat for sure
  12. MikeyMac

    The Official Power Sound Audio Subwoofer Discussion Thread

    One concern is the hum that comes from the S7201 I have swapped out power cords, connect the sub to different power outlets in the house the hum is still present, I have removed the RCA cable and just the power coming to the Sub and still the hum is there, turned everything off amps, AVR, sat...
  13. MikeyMac

    Comment by 'MikeyMac' in item 'Home Theatre with PSA S7201'

    Hi I think it’s the complete opposite the sound is more natural in the NF position with the full sofa but for the miss & highs yes there is a sweet spot due to how close the speakers are but that’s exactly the way I wanted it
  14. MikeyMac

    Comment by 'MikeyMac' in item 'Home Theatre with PSA S7201'

    Hi I really like the NF position over corner loaded I think the sub can breathe and do it’s thing naturally if that make sense and even in the NF the AVR tries to -15 it so I put it to -9 I like it hot