moedra's latest activity

  • moedra
    moedra reacted to sledwards's post in the thread Step Response Simulation Behavior with Like Like.
    Thanks for that great assessment. Confirms what I had wondered about my partial room treatments as related to odd geometry of my room. I...
  • moedra
    moedra replied to the thread Target Curves.
    My studio reference target is great for being critical, and I do a lot of mastering so it's a perfect balance for me. The hauscurve is...
  • moedra
    moedra reacted to Dtune's post in the thread Target Curves with Like Like.
    My room is made of logs and sounds very different than when I was in a drywall lined room. Also dimensions are generous. Sounds great. I...
  • moedra
    moedra reacted to juicehifi's post in the thread Target Curves with Like Like.
    Your target is very close to my preference … in my best room.
  • moedra
    moedra reacted to Dtune's post in the thread Target Curves with Like Like.
    The sound is pretty transformative compared to listening without audiolense. I was certainly prepared for an improvement in the bass...
  • moedra
    moedra replied to the thread Step Response Simulation Behavior.
    There are several reflections in your room that you should look into treating. The biggest one is sitting at 7.55 milliseconds in your...
    • sledwards_frontleft.png
    • sledwards_frontright.png
  • moedra
    moedra replied to the thread Target Curves.
    You're welcome. What do those settings sound like to you? I use a studio linear target because a studio space is usually the context I...
  • moedra
    moedra replied to the thread Target Curves.
    I figured that since your low end was kind of wonky that minimum phase in the low end would help, and I left the top mostly linear. You...
  • moedra
    moedra replied to the thread Target Curves.
    After about ten minutes of tweaking the target and the CPD I got this. The target is mixed phase. 100% low, 18% high. Were you able to...
    • dtune-freqresponse.png
    • dtune-stepresponse.png
  • moedra
    moedra reacted to Dtune's post in the thread Target Curves with Like Like.
    Zipped now, see if that works.
  • moedra
    moedra replied to the thread Target Curves.
    Still no file. You may need to zip it up first, like I did.
  • moedra
    moedra replied to the thread Step Response Simulation Behavior.
    Higher numbers will smooth it out a little, but you'll have to knock out those room reflections if you really want to clean it up. Have...
  • moedra
    moedra replied to the thread Target Curves.
    Ultimately, I think that the shape of your target should reflect your intended purpose. If you work on music a lot, like I do, I believe...
    • iLoudMTM_AudiolenseStepResponse.png
    • iLoudMTM_AudiolenseCorrection.png
  • moedra
    moedra replied to the thread Target Curves.
    I use this as a reference target for my iLoudMTM speakers at my desktop workstation. I have other targets, but this one is a good...
  • moedra
    moedra replied to the thread Target Curves.
    I've found that a custom target, tailored to your measurement, often yields better results than any generic or pre-made target. This is...
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