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      phani1971 replied to the thread NEED HELP.
      what is RTFM? I am using APPLETV 4K for streaming, Zidoo z10 pro for hdd and Sony x700m.
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      phani1971 reacted to ddude003's post in the thread NEED HELP with Like Like.
      At this point I would say that this has nothing to do with REW unless there is something beyond Audyssey or uplifting to Dirac...
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      phani1971 reacted to JStewart's post in the thread NEED HELP with Like Like.
      I made the same mistake. There is a current Marantz Model 50. Good news, the Cinema 50 runs Dirac. If you have multiple subs totaling in...
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      phani1971 replied to the thread NEED HELP.
      Marantz cinema 50 is 9.4 av receiver and can process 11 channel's with power amplifier
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      phani1971 reacted to ddude003's post in the thread NEED HELP with Like Like.
      If I am understanding you correctly your Marantz 50 is a 2.2 channel integrated amplifier... It would be very helpful if you would fill...
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      phani1971 reacted to JStewart's post in the thread NEED HELP with Like Like.
      The answer to your question is pretty broad, without universal agreement, and equipment dependent. Having said this, optimal speaker...
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      HI ALL, I am new to Rew. I have maranz50 with Klipsch system and Ascendo sv12 sub. Have bought umik1 . Tried to take some measurements...
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