Recent content by pratul

  1. pratul

    What are you listening to right now?

    Looking forward to THIS!
  2. pratul

    ARC users?

    Feel free to reach out if you need help.
  3. pratul

    ARC users?

    So ARC in it's current state doesn't do the following: 1. Set speaker distances. I.e. doesn't time align speakers 2. Doesn't setup two or more subs. So before using ARC, I use REW to do the following: 1. I have 2 subs so I use REW to align them and to adjust the levels, etc.. so I get the best...
  4. pratul

    ARC users?

    I can help answer basic questions on ARC. I am using it with AVM70. Did setup the speakers with REW first.
  5. pratul

    Now this will be interesting if and when it comes out

    LOL that was an awesome but sneaky plan :) Hope she doesn't read these forums :)
  6. pratul

    Now this will be interesting if and when it comes out

    I wish I had done something similar when we built ours. Our theater has nothing special to isolate it from the rest of the house. My wife goes out for a "drive" whenever I am listening to music :devil:. Our theater is in the basement and it is loud even on the second floor. I do have fiber glass...
  7. pratul

    Now this will be interesting if and when it comes out

    Yes, the screws are interesting if they perform as well as they claim. Mainly for new constructions. Let's see if they even go into production.
  8. pratul

    Now this will be interesting if and when it comes out

    Would have been great if this was available when I built my theater. If it works like they claim, it will help a lot.
  9. pratul

    DSP: EQ’ing Full Range or Not – Testing the Ears

    My processor Anthem AVM70, has ARC which by default EQs till 5KHz. After reading posts that said EQing past 500Hz was bad, I tried to limit ARC to 500Hz. The difference was very noticeable. I then tried to EQ up to 10KHz and didn't hear much of a difference between the 5KHz and 10KHz limits. I...
  10. pratul

    Comment by 'pratul' in media 'Martin Logan Renaissance ESL 15A'

    Love the tape marking the 15A position :)