Recent content by rdalem

  1. R

    External CD with JRiver and Audiolense convolver.

    I now get cd playback in audiolense convolver. But I can't adjust the sound. Is this because I don't have a valid license for audiolense convolver?
  2. R

    External CD with JRiver and Audiolense convolver.

    Doesn't Jriver use Audiolense Convolver then? I don't have a license for Audiolense Convolver, but AL Convolver starts when, for example, I start Spotify via Jriver.
  3. R

    External CD with JRiver and Audiolense convolver.

    Does anyone here use a CD audio player connected to the RME interface via JRiver and Audiolense's convoler? I don't understand what I'm doing wrong here. Have managed to route correctly in RME but struggling to get control via Jriver. Tips are greatly appreciated.
  4. R

    AL 3-way + subs setup

    If I understand correctly, then a 4-way or 5-way system would be the most correct.
  5. R

    AL 3-way + subs setup

    The plan is to add something below 50Hz. And serve something under my current system is correctly formulated. What I'm having a bit of a doubt about is whether it would make sense to split the 4 subs into 4 channels, or go for 2 channels. I see the benefits of being able to control multiple...
  6. R

    AL 3-way + subs setup

    I currently have a 3-way setup, but will add 2 subs. Actually, I'm going to add 4 subs connected to a Crown 4/300. But I haven't decided whether this should be operated bridged. In any case, I have doubts about the AL configuration setup.
  7. R

    Target settings in AL

    So corrections from 0 - 1dB will have an effect depending on how much you correct, while corrections above this give -1dB?
  8. R

    Target settings in AL

    Does this mean that the target will be adjusted based on where the measurement is located if I understand it correctly?
  9. R

    Target settings in AL

    I did not understand this. Can you explain further?
  10. R

    Target settings in AL

    Is it the case that it is decisive for the result where you set the actual point on the target curve? I understand that it is crucial how much one corrects, but is it important where the points are?
  11. R

    Audiolense 2.0 Trail Version

    Then I am busy measuring, making a target and creating a filter that the Roon convolver can use. I only use Stereo correction now to get to know AL. It turns out that I have a big difference on the right and left channel. My question this time is delay related. Is it the case that delay 0.00...
  12. R

    Audiolense 2.0 Trail Version

    Do you mean xo by demo?
  13. R

    Audiolense 2.0 Trail Version

    Are all the functions in the trail version in AL 2.0 available? The plan is to implement 2 subwoofers in a stereo system using UMIC 1 and an RME card. I have plans to buy AL XO for a 3 way project a little later.