Recent content by Sdk

  1. S

    Home Theater Upgrade

    maybe you can try:, but need careful construction execution to get vibration decoupling of the "floating room" and the real room boundaries
  2. S

    Home Theater Upgrade

    maybe it is better to have sound insulation room for home theater in apartment :), but it will be really tough to have good sound insulation for 60Hz below
  3. S

    Help needed - Subwoofer loundness good but not tight

    even the freq response already looks good (inside 6dB band flatness, cmiiw), pull the main speaker a bit away from the wall will help to get better sound, and can increase the bass detail, and check it with stereo music you are familiar with (that contains quite full audio spectrum, bass mid, high)
  4. S

    Life's Trade Off in our equipment setup.

    height channel speaker works very well, some sounds direction are in front of us and at the height level
  5. S

    Life's Trade Off in our equipment setup.

    for much better and simplest connection : AVB (Audio_Video_Bridging)
  6. S

    Life's Trade Off in our equipment setup.

    there are some wireless speaker product out there that perform well (Wifi/BT AptX), and should be enough for Surround Channel
  7. S

    Life's Trade Off in our equipment setup.

    maybe, considering to use wireless surround speaker will make WAF better