Recent content by SeanP

  1. SeanP

    Dolby Atmos and REW

  2. SeanP

    OSX El Cap UMIK-1 setup with REW beta

    Thanks John both are working now. Windows I had to select the asio4all panel and select the hdmi output.
  3. SeanP

    Dolby Atmos and REW

    ok I got the hdmi working but is there away of testing the 0.0.4 over head channels in REW short of switching the overheads output on the preamp to the surround inputs on the amp?
  4. SeanP

    OSX El Cap UMIK-1 setup with REW beta

    Thanks John I’ve got a lightning - hdmi cable ordered so won’t be able to select to select the channels till I get it, but everything looks good for now!
  5. SeanP

    OSX El Cap UMIK-1 setup with REW beta

    Also I’m running bootcamp on the same machine with Win7 to run ARC for my AVM60 and would like to set up REW on the windows side. Is ASIO4ALLv2 still the driver?
  6. SeanP

    OSX El Cap UMIK-1 setup with REW beta

    Thanks John so I should just uninstall soundflower and make sure I have the latest Java?
  7. SeanP

    OSX El Cap UMIK-1 setup with REW beta

    I have followed the guide and have even found the new soundflower 2.0b2.dmg for El Cap but in setting up Rew preferences the guide looks different when selecting the i puts and outputs. Is there an updated guide? And also the Umik-1 guide on the MIDIDSP site show selecting the soundflower app an...