Recent content by ShadyHarbinger

  1. S

    New Audiolense releases

    I updated Audiolense after 18 months, and I created new filters with the same parameters to test the changes. I noticed it sounds in a totally different way now. Much better. Am I losing my mind? Maybe I did something wrong? Or are the fixed bugs related to calculation the reason? I got XO...
  2. S

    Audiolense Convolver vs Hang Loose Convolver

    I successfully configured the HLC system-wide using ASIO4All and VAC with minimal latency through the HDMI port. This way I got the best possible sound quality from a multifunctional daily used gaming PC whatever I am doing. Rock solid and works flawlessly. :)
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    Audiolense Convolver vs Hang Loose Convolver

    I am a software developer for 3x years. I exactly know how a program should behave and be tested and what a good user experience should be. ;) HLC is good at its core. It does its job very well but has not "finished" yet. It needs more feedback on what is wrong if the user does something or a...
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    Audiolense Convolver vs Hang Loose Convolver

    No difference but I found out that HLC is buggy and does not handle every configuration variation etc. I have to manually edit Aduilense cfg files and it works afterwards. Annoying because HLC does not tell anything about what happened, or what is wrong. I can do nothing but wait for new...
  5. S

    Audiolense Convolver vs Hang Loose Convolver

    Thank You for confirming Mitch's statement! I can use AL Convolver with VBAudio only while HLC with LoopBE/VAC. Now I am sure that the reason is VBAsioBridge and Hifi-Cable. It's probably got a worse implementation than LoopBEAudio or VAC. By the way Mitch. Could you please provide an option in...
  6. S

    Solution for Those that Want it: Sending all system sounds + music to audiolense convolver

    I cannot link directly yet because of the policy but here it is: It is very good. You literally can configure everything. If there is a problem you can check its log and you will know what is the problem. Even if the problem is related to the client. Very...
  7. S

    Audiolense Convolver vs Hang Loose Convolver

    There are two issues: one is that HLC does not switch the filter and the huge sound quality difference (HLC+VAC sounds better). Probably the reason for the latter is the much worse quality of VBAsioBridge/HifiCable.
  8. S

    Audiolense Convolver vs Hang Loose Convolver

    I use both convolvers. Audiolense with .alc format and HLC with .wav format. I noticed there are huge sound quality differences between them. When I switch between filters the differences between their quality are much more noticeable in AL convolver han in HLC. Selecting another filter in HLC...
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    Solution for Those that Want it: Sending all system sounds + music to audiolense convolver

    I use VAC (Virtual Audio Cable) with HLC. It is much better than LoopBeAudio. Faster, much more feature-rich, also costs $30 only. For example, you can configure any bit depth (8-32) and sample rate (5000-192K) in any combination both for input and output.
  10. S

    Calibrating multichannel AVP/AVR system with Audiolense

    I want to share my experience and what I have learned through the calibration process of my 7.1 AVP system using REW and Audiolense XO. I think I finally managed to get the most out of my room and the equipment I got. It was a tedious and lengthy process to experience what and how to do PC-based...