Recent content by Sloth07

  1. Sloth07

    FLASH GIVEAWAY: Win "NOBODY" on 4K UHD Blu-ray!!

    Thanks very much!!
  2. Sloth07

    Killer Giveaway! Win "JAWS" on 4K UHD Blu-ray!!

    Count me in please---thanks!!
  3. Sloth07

    Chill Out and Win Disney's 'Frozen 2' on Blu-ray and 4K UHD!

    Please count me in too! Good luck all!
  4. Sloth07

    Win Ford v Ferrari on Blu-ray!

    Please count me in too- thanks!
  5. Sloth07

    Travel to Infinity and Beyond with "Toy Story 4" on Blu-ray!

    Thanks very much!! I'm all for any movie that I can still enjoy Don Rickles in!!
  6. Sloth07

    Win a Free Copy of "Shazam!" on Blu-ray!

    This movie looks great! Shaq... as a genie?!? Count me in!! Just kidding- thanks for a fun giveaway- good luck everyone!
  7. Sloth07

    Win a Free Copy of “Overlord” on 4K UHD Blu-ray!

    Please count me in too- good luck everyone!
  8. Sloth07

    Enter to Win Halloween (2018) on 4K Blu-ray!

    Please count me in too. Good luck everyone!
  9. Sloth07

    Coco - Blu-ray Review

    Great review Mike! I had heard of this Day of the Dead film Pixar was working on for years, and when it finally came together and turned out to be Coco, it ended up amazing!