Recent content by Stefan63

  1. S

    Turntable DIY open source projects

    Thank you for the heads up link Corrected ;)
  2. S

    Turntable DIY open source projects

    Link to My website look in Off topic/HiFi ;) The Tonearm project The TT Tachometer project
  3. S

    Turntable DIY open source projects

    I know and feel that this is mainly a forum for Audio/Video in the meaning home cinema but...... I just have to show you my newest DIY turntable gear (I hope this is OK!? :D First out is a RPM speed check gadget that will help turntable owners to tune their TT's to the correct speed. This gadget...
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    DIY Hidden film screen project (kind of techy but fun).

    I recently got some nice feedback from people that have visited my website that I want to share. Some people suggest that the same rig and software could be used to hide a TV by lower it behind a cabinet using rails and this actuator system. An other suggestion was to use the actuator to move a...
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    DIY Hidden film screen project (kind of techy but fun).

    No I use a regular linear 12V DC actuator for greenhouse ventilation. Check out my website to get all the details, I will post a simple animation in the near future that will show the linkage function. Kind regards/Stefan
  6. S

    DIY Hidden film screen project (kind of techy but fun).

    I'm in progress of building a stealth home cinema and now I have come to the screen. Its a standard motorised film but in my room I also needed it to move sideways. Also I want it to disappear on top of a shallow bookshelf that is covering a full wall. The whole thing is controlled with a...