Recent content by Tony Walters

  1. T

    Sweeps report approx 3000ppm timing errors

    My laptop has the new USB connector while the UMIK has the full size USB so I have a USB hub Hyper which has a number of ports including full size USB. I am not using any of the other ports. However, this was failing on my other laptop with a full size USB thats why I dont suspect the hub. The...
  2. T

    Sweeps report approx 3000ppm timing errors

    Thank you John. In the meantime my sub plate amp failed and waiting for replacement. It did, however, give me a chance to re-run sweeps without sub. I took out the active crossover and ran the attached sweeps. No change, the timing errors seem to have stabilized around 1000-1100ppm.
  3. T

    Sweeps report approx 3000ppm timing errors

    Hello John. Here is what the graph shows. I'm inferring that the signal level is really low but what could be causing it? I'm using all the same levels as before. At this level, I'm surprised it can generate a measurement result.
  4. T

    Sweeps report approx 3000ppm timing errors

    Hello, When performing sweeps at 512k samples and 1m samples as examples, the measurment reports large timing errors and suggests verifying that sweeps and generated sweep file are at same rate (they are) and to look for dropouts. This is the first time this error has surfaced in over 2 years...
  5. T

    REW Beta Release Latest REW development build

    A thought on the gui design - it might be useful to have a wa to set up a group on windows sharing the screen. Typical would be main window side by side with Overlays and EQ. Mabe a widget that lets you set up the combo displays either side by side horizontal or vertical or in quadrants. Cheers.
  6. T

    REW Beta Release Latest REW development build

    I'm having chhallenges with something that normally works fine. I set up UMIK calibration file when mic is detected. But on a measurement it is not allowing me to select 96khz sample rate. The snip shows the cal screen in properties and anther nuance is it creates multiple entries for UMIK.
  7. T

    REW Beta Release Latest REW development build

    Fusiondsp (gui for Camillladsp) has a limit of Q 40 on PEQ filters. REW allows > 40 for Camilladsp. Minor issue.
  8. T

    Operation of house curve within EQ panel

    Thank you. So I will export txt version of curve and just double check the format so it is the same as normal house curve. Cheers
  9. T

    Operation of house curve within EQ panel

    I had been struggling with the operation of the house curve because if I configured say Harman house curve it would show up as target curve in the EQ. However, when I selected "Room curve" it seemed to increase the curve in various ways. So do I click on the button or not to show Room curve? The...
  10. T

    Impulse response anomaly?

    No. I found out that for the timing to work properly the timing reference must come out of the same speaker. So L refL and R ref, and if you do both speaker measurement it is LR ref L. Works perfectly i just aligned my mic to within 2 or 3 microseconds.
  11. T

    Impulse response anomaly?

    The suggestion seemed to work thankyou. I set the reference time g to right and reran measurements. The right is dead on t0 and the left is 170 micosec ahead. I am running the latest software and I see a lot of changes and I am having some unexpected results in other areas but I want to work...
  12. T

    Impulse response anomaly?

    You are correct! I will try your suggestion and report back
  13. T

    Impulse response anomaly?

    Yes I use the standard timing reference l for left speaker and r for right. One subtlety is that I move the recorderd measurement sweeps over to my volumio player. I start the measure and then I play the sweep and I hear the normal start chirp and the end chirp. Seems to be working fine for that...
  14. T

    Impulse response anomaly?

    Hi there Using 5.20 version. When I measure l speaker followed by r and look at impulse response, both spikes are to the left of time 0. How do I align these in preparation for creating impulse response for convolver. Do I just move t0 over to first spike and then move other spike to match...
  15. T

    RME ADI-2 DAC support

    Hello, just wondering how I can add support for the RME ADI-2 DAC. Alternatively, is this on the road-map to support? Thx in advance.