Recent content by UKSPAWN


    Mission ZX-5 - Looking to buy - Opinions

    1.5" Ring Dome

    Mission ZX-5 - Looking to buy - Opinions

    Ive asked Amir and he says he cant find anywhere to get them in the USA.

    "clock adjustment too large"

    Using JAVA, Yes, for whatever reason that was not happening and device remained on 96k regardless.

    "clock adjustment too large"

    yeah i seem to have fixed it, it seems REW cant take exclusive control over the device so windows continues to upscale to 96k as i have it set in device properties. When i change sample rate, my DAC still indicates 96k. i dont know how i fixed it but 96k is working again now.

    "clock adjustment too large"

    I don't remember changing anything from before but now when i try to run a sweep using speaker as REF it tells me the "clock adjustment too large" Tried to google but cant find anything to help.

    Mission ZX-5 - Looking to buy - Opinions

    been looking at this speaker a while, seems like a nice build quality, i like the design and its about the right budget for me. Anyone own newer Mission speakers or know anything about them, i cant find much online. But i have heard a lot of good about the mission brand so... what do you think?

    Downward sweep instead of Upward

    thanks for the explanation, i understand now.

    Downward sweep instead of Upward

    oh i thought that was linear - as in the same all the time "straight line" "Linear scales have consistent measures between different points, whereas logarithmic scales have progressing measurements between points. "

    Downward sweep instead of Upward

    ah maybe it was Lin i was doing previously. sorry, i didn't check that! Thanks John Just on a curiosity note, if you run the backwards will the LOG 'focus more'/ run longer on the HF than the bass?

    how does this sweep look? any suggestions

    looks good, how does it sound? Ive had great looking graphs that dont sound as good as less good-looking graphs.

    Downward sweep instead of Upward

    I remember when tuning by ear, i used to start the sweep at 100hz and go DOWN to 16hz. It seems now i cant do that. I understand for measurment sweeps. but for just playing tone sweeps can you bring back that ability to do that please. for some reason its easier to understand to my ears than...

    Reasonably Priced Acoustic Diffuser

    Use "RT60 Decay" too see if you need more absorption to get to the reverb level you want above ~200hz (200-300ms i like) if they are fine but bass is still bad just make the absorbers you have THICKER If your room is too dead (<200ms) you can add flat wood fronts with holes cut in to 1 or 2...

    What's my next step? I'm new to the EQ Rabbit Hole

    Keep coming back to it. save those config as config1 in the miniDSP, then next time in a few days or weeks come back and do it again and then save as config 2... then you can compare etc. Have yo done any alignment of the 2 subs using the delays in miniDSP? play the noise "sub cal" from both...

    Newb? sound id mic working with REW

    ah i wasnt aware.
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