Tekton says It's NOT Suing Anybody... Breaks the seal on reviewers that measure speakers

"In the grand scheme of things, was that even audible? No"

Then why is the measurement important?
The impedance measurement? Well the little resonance ripple aspect of it wasn’t other than an opportunity for a manufacturer to maybe improve/learn/correct. Like maybe some bracing that was to be installed slipped by. Who knows why Tekton made such a big deal about it.
Yes, I was thinking the same thing... I guess my question was more for the general listener. But, your point is well taken. The fact that flipping the speaker changes that ripple definitely suggests a little bracing to eliminate it.
That's a good video Erin did in response to all of this. In our Lore review, we noted some harshness as well. However, we did not have any anechoic response measurements to look at, nor do we have the means to do a proper nearfield response like the Klippel can do. My view is that those considering these speakers should not be concerned with the resonance because, as Erin mentions, it's not going to be audible. I (personally) would not concern myself with the upper midrange bump because I can get rid of it, just as Erin suggested in his video... it can be EQ'd. This is why I think, for some people, these Klippel measurements are fruitless. Number one... we don't listen to a speaker like the Klippel does, and number two, in cases where you have the right electronics, any frequency response anomalies can be dealt with at the listening position. I would be interested in seeing a measurement from the listening position to see if the bump is still there and if the Klippel measurement may have created a listening bias.
Number one... we don't listen to a speaker like the Klippel does, and number two, in cases where you have the right electronics, any frequency response anomalies can be dealt with at the listening position.

On the other side of the coin... Floyd Toole did prove a preference for speakers with an anhecoic smooth on and off axis frequency response though and not everyone has or wants eq/room correction. Also Dr. Floyd stated that the response can't necessarily be corrected if the on/off axis sound is dissimilar.

I believe the CEA2034 measurements are a fair comparison and I am assuming Dr. Toole is correct in forming my conclusion. I also think it's somewhat up to the viewers of such information to educate themselves as to the meaning of what they are looking at.

Measurements can also tell you things about the speaker that may make a difference in your room. For example, the bass roll-off of many of the KEF speakers is more conducive to their being placed near a front wall. If side walls are near, you may appreciate a speaker with narrower directivity.

So while I'd agree measurements are not the be all/end all, I think they are the same as any tool, they can help if you know how to use them.
Random thoughts having watched Erin's follow-up.
  • Erin is a great resource. Total pro.
  • Interesting that the videos posted by Eric in the first post are now not available.
  • The fact that turning the speakers upside down eliminated the cabinet resonance probably shows that either the test sample was a less than perfect sample or the design/manufacturing process is flawed.
  • Near-field speaker measurements are a great tool for designing speakers and creating a baseline for performance expectations, and a great way to identify flaws/effects of the room - likely a better method of eliminating a speaker from consideration rather than a deciding factor.
  • Erin deserves a public apology.
  • Tekton completely obliterated their company reputation this week. They had a tiny market share to begin with, I think they just kneecapped themselves.
  • The fact that a speaker manufacturer would receive an email from Erin and blow it off, not realizing he was going to measure tells me he's either oblivious or an idiot, possibly both. If he did not know who Erin is when he received that email, he possibly should find another line of work, and if he knew who Erin was and still chose to give half-baked advice on setup for listening, that's his own fault.
Total public relations disaster. Erin absolutely deserves a public apology. Such a bummer to watch a dumpster fire like this. It was totally unavoidable.

Perhaps I missed this, but did Erin alert him that the review was taking place? I thought he'd said that he doesn't share results with manufacturers before publishing...?
Total public relations disaster. Erin absolutely deserves a public apology. Such a bummer to watch a dumpster fire like this. It was totally unavoidable.

Perhaps I missed this, but did Erin alert him that the review was taking place? I thought he'd said that he doesn't share results with manufacturers before publishing...?

He reached out before doing anything to discuss setup. Eric gave him a half-assed response that was listening setup only. Specifically said in one of the emails "If I had known you were going to be measuring them I would have gone into more detail".
On the other side of the coin... Floyd Toole did prove a preference for speakers with an anhecoic smooth on and off axis frequency response though and not everyone has or wants eq/room correction. Also Dr. Floyd stated that the response can't necessarily be corrected if the on/off axis sound is dissimilar.

I believe the CEA2034 measurements are a fair comparison and I am assuming Dr. Toole is correct in forming my conclusion. I also think it's somewhat up to the viewers of such information to educate themselves as to the meaning of what they are looking at.

Measurements can also tell you things about the speaker that may make a difference in your room. For example, the bass roll-off of many of the KEF speakers is more conducive to their being placed near a front wall. If side walls are near, you may appreciate a speaker with narrower directivity.

So while I'd agree measurements are not the be all/end all, I think they are the same as any tool, they can help if you know how to use them.
Absolutely... and to clarify (since you didn't quote everything I said and I don't want anyone thinking that is all I said in case they don't read it :wink: ) ... I did state the measurements are fruitless for "some people." I don't care what the measurements show me... I want the speaker in my room, and I'll make the determination based on listening to it with my own room influences and measuring from my listening position. I also said those with the right equipment, as Erin mentioned, it can be equalized. Obviously, for some, the measurements may matter, and they may not have the right equipment for EQ. In my case and many others... we don't worry so much about bass roll-off because we have a sub. Obviously, for those without a sub, it will probably matter to them.

We've had quite a few speakers in my room here, a few dozen counting my own, that have been outside of evaluations, and it has been rare that we could not deal with response anomalies. I remember one instance where Dennis and Wayne individually, without the other's knowledge, identified a bump in the upper frequency of a speaker from the listening position before we measured the speaker. Upon measuring, I believe it was around the 2kHz area, and once EQ'd out, they could AB the presets of EQ'd and unEQ'd and clearly identify the difference. I challenged them, thinking they couldn't hear it, but they proved me wrong. I just think in most cases (not necessarily 100% - but most), these issues can be resolved provided you have the right equipment. Real-life experience in real rooms is what would be more important, in my opinion, and with all the rooms being different, I'm not sure there is a way to 100% test and prove what the majority of preferences would be one way or another.

In our last evaluation, I set different presets, without correction, with Dirac Live correction up to 600Hz and full Dirac correction. Dennis and Wayne did not know what preset was what, and in all cases, the full correction was pretty much the preferred preset. I preferred it as well, although I knew the presets, so I will admit it could have been biased for me. This doesn't mean we could have lived without the correction above 600Hz in all the cases, but we preferred it. I think after you listen for a while to what you have, you can learn to like it just fine if it sounds pretty good to begin with. In some cases, we are fine-tuning fairly small anomalies. I've even read a few well-respected reviewers who mentioned they preferred it as well. So... while I know some say it can't be done or doesn't help, real room and real-life experiences and preferences are saying something different for some of us. I think there are just too many variables to say one method or preference is for all.
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He reached out before doing anything to discuss setup. Eric gave him a half-assed response that was listening setup only. Specifically said in one of the emails "If I had known you were going to be measuring them I would have gone into more detail".
Yeah... and did he not know Erin from Adam to begin with? He's obviously not a recluse because he sees reviews all over the place. I just can't imagine him not knowing Erin was going to measure the speakers, but surely he knew beforehand that Erin is a reviewer. There aren't many that have a Klippel. If I'm a manufacturer in business as long as Eric has been in business and as many times as his speakers have been reviewed, and someone is going to review my speakers, if there is something special about how to measure them, I'm going to make sure the reviewer knows this, regardless of whether he tells me he is going to measure them or not.
Listen first... make your comments on what you hear... THEN do the measurements, if your hearing is that good, the measurements should confirm what you hear. Otherwise, as most professionals suggest, our measurements can cause a bias in what we hear.
You have assumed that Erin and Amir aren't aware of that.

They are.

They both listen first, then look at the measurements, and correlate ears to measurements.
You have assumed that Erin and Amir aren't aware of that.

They are.

They both listen first, then look at the measurements, and correlate ears to measurements.
Nope... not assuming anything. That was just a statement in hopes that it is what they are actually doing, or maybe simply questioning how they are doing it. Since you bring that up in that way though, it does make me curious if in fact they do this. Maybe they clarify it somewhere, but either way... I highly suspect that before anyone publishes anything, they've seen the measurements, which may influence what they write or say in a video. A few of Erin's videos may lead some to believe he measures and then listens. Amir always posts his measurements, and then I read subjective comments that seem to be based on the measurements and listening combined, but again, there is no way for anyone to know for sure their subjective listening is not influenced in some way by their measurements. It seems to reason that mixing the two, subjective and objective, there will be some bias; at least, this certainly falls in line with what the Floyd Tooles of the world suggests about biases.
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Nope... not assuming anything. That was just a statement in hopes that it is what they are actually doing, or maybe simply questioning how they are doing it. Since you bring that up in that way though, it does make me curious if in fact they do this. Maybe they clarify it somewhere, but either way... I highly suspect that before anyone publishes anything, they've seen the measurements, which may influence what they write or say in a video. A few of Erin's videos may lead some to believe he measures and then listens. Amir always posts his measurements, and then I read subjective comments that seem to be based on the measurements and listening combined, but again, there is no way for anyone to know for sure their subjective listening is not influenced in some way by their measurements. It seems to reason that mixing the two, subjective and objective, there will be some bias; at least, this certainly falls in line with what the Floyd Tooles of the world suggests about biases.
In Erin’s case he makes it pretty clear that his evaluations start with listening and taking notes. I suspect he takes the notes to remove as much bias as possible after seeing the measurements and to see if the measurements support what he heard.
So interesting to me that independent measurements have been pushed so hard in this industry, but not in, say, car reviews - arguably a much bigger investment.

Is that next?

Imagine how many variables could be measured in a car!
I just had to chime in here as this is an important issue for those who are interested good gear for this hobby.

Some here have expressed that their evaluation technique is to listen to the speakers in their home and evaluate them solely based on that, and basically reviews and measurements be dammed. Now while I'd love to bring in various speakers and audition them in this manner, it's simply not practical for me, and many folks like me. I look to competent technical reviewers with real independent data; and not a bunch of hyperbole that can't be corroborated=> to screen out the trash before I take a serious look. I must confess I look at many reviews of gear I have no intention (or $$) to purchase. (I'm a bit of an Audio nut.)

As a trained Six Sigma Black Belt, I always look for good data, initially from the manufacturer, and then from independent sources to back it up. If none is available, and all I see are glossy pictures or videos, it's time to move on.

For example, when I was looking for new Front Speakers for our new 7.2.4 Atmos system, completed during a major renovation of our home, there were many factors involved. (WAF being a major one, then Budget, etc.) I was working a lot and traveling all over North America with my job, and there was no opportunity to bring them into the Games Room (that's what we call it) and test anything "in house" as the place was a disaster. And besides, some of the speakers I was interested in => based on the information here, and on other Audio websites, were not available to see / hear anywhere in Metro Vancouver Canada, as the Bricks and Mortar audio store has died here. Many of the Speaker OEMs don't offer returns when shipped to Canada. So I totally relied on reviews, and scoured the web for any with real data as well as listening tests to help me decide. I purchase them on line without ever hearing them (Normally I am not much of a gambler), and imported them into Canada myself.

Without in depth reviews with real data from trusted sources, I would never have been comfortable enough to do so. Now while I agree not a lot of people have the means to purchase a Klippel to test speakers, those who do go to the top of the list of reviewers I check out as they have good data. Those with just fluffy prose fall towards the bottom. Erin does a straight ahead review and seems very genuine (Integrity is huge) with what he hears. Amir is similar. Both have an Engineering approach. If you were a quality Speaker OEM, those are the kind of folks you should be soliciting to review your gear instead of threating lawsuits when one of your Customers sends them a sample of your work for testing.

I'm not sure sending a pre-published copy of the review (like Audioholics does) to the OEM will work in all cases - especially ones were the OEM did not provide the samples for test, and basically ignored the reviewer until after when they threatened litigation. The fine line of an "independent" review is being walked there and the perception of being a "shill" for the manufacturer is in the wings. It's like Consumer Reports who purchases (or leases) all of the Cars, Trucks, etc., just to avoid that perception as well as any "special" sample sent to them by the manufacturer.

Both Amir and Erin should be supported when threatened by Tekton or any OEM. At least that's my opinion.
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People will certainly have different opinions on how to buy products. Perhaps measurements can help you eliminate something you don't want to hear, but I would not automatically call it "trash" before I listen to it just because of measurements. While I've certainly purchased audio equipment based on reviews, and some of the earlier speakers I purchased from the early 80s through the mid/late 2000s were based on reviews, over the last 10-15 years or so, I've not solely relied on any reviews or measurements to help me decide on what speakers to buy (with the exception of the Revel PerformaBe F328Be speakers), and it's been quite a few. The reason is I purchased quite a few speakers based on reviews that I didn't care for, despite good measurements and good reviews. Of course, I don't think the Klippel was around back in the 80s and 90s, but anechoic (and simulated) measurements were. Have I purchased some speakers that I didn't like... yep. But there are plenty of folks out there that wanted them, so it was no problem selling them.

I will also admit that it was not intentional that I did not solely rely on reviews and measurements for several of my speaker purchases. I would say it was more because I just didn't research the speakers. I purchased SVS speakers because I worked for them. I purchased Emotiva speakers because I liked the folks there and had Emotiva amps. I've purchased some speakers simply because of a relationship and really good pricing.

Had I relied solely on measurements to purchase the MartinLogan 15A speakers I owned for a couple of years, I'd probably not have purchased them because the few measurements I could find didn't look all that great. Yet, based on how previous ML speakers sounded in my room, I purchased them. OTOH, I did purchase the Revel PerformaBe F328Be speakers based on numerous glamorous reviews and superb measurements. My thinking was these speakers were going to sound better than my 15A speakers... they would have to sound better... they measure better and everyone that has them loves them. Yet, when we got these in my room, well... here's my take:
MartinLogan Renaissance 15A vs. Revel PerformaBe F328Be

...and thus I can legitimately compare the two now that we have officially finished our evaluations. I'll repeat some of this in the evaluation thread, but this is more of a direct comparison here. I did not want to comment until Wayne and Dennis had time to listen and make their notes on the speakers we evaluated, of which I have NOT read their notes. Obviously I know a little bit about what they think of the speakers because of what we have to go thru to setup each speaker for evaluation. In the evaluation reports each speaker will have it's own thread and they will not be compared directly, although there could easily be mention of one of the other speakers in any of the speaker threads. I also wanted to wait until they got here so that we could all work together for the best placement of the speakers. It's been done and we have finished the official evals... just having more fun listening now.

As stated in my original first post, I wanted to give the Revels serious consideration for my room due to all the positive out there about them, and due to their wide dispersion characteristics and excellent off-axis response. Let me get it out of the way... I don't think they could ever come even remotely close to replacing any of the MartinLogan speakers I've had in my system. I'm probably going to get bashed, and I'll hear all kinds of excuses of what I didn't do right in evaluating these speakers, but frankly I don't care... it is what it is, and the Revels have not been able to compete with my 15A's from my perspective.

For those that don't have subs and might be considering the F328Be... they had no bass in my room when placed for the best imaging and soundstage, unless we placed them very close to the wall, and then the bass was just okay. If you have subs... probably not an issue. Otherwise the F328Be are very good speakers with subs. I personally thought they had very good imaging and a respectable soundstage, although not quite as pinpoint imaging and not as big of a soundstage as the 15A's.

The biggest issue we had with the F328 was placement. I've never known but just a few speakers that have been in my room that we've had placement issues with, and the F328's are by far the worst we've ever dealt with. I hate trying to find a happy medium between imaging and soundstage vs bass. Why can't we have both... or why can't speakers be easier to place... some are and some are not. The F328 is one of those difficult speakers in my room. I'm sure there are those that believe they have great imaging and soundstage and they had no issues placing them in their room - - good for them - - glad you did not have struggles, and I would love to hear your system to see if it sounds anything akin to my listening preferences. We did eventually find what I thought was a pretty good location for the imaging... although the center image was slightly fat (not offensive to me, but Wayne and Dennis were not happy with it), the off-center imaging was spot on for me. When we toed in the speakers to tighten up the center image to appease Wayne and Dennis, it started to smear the imaging on each side of center. A good example is the horn player in Cassandra Wilson's Strange Fruit. In one position her voice was a bit thick, but the horn player was dead on. When we tightened up her voice, the horn player would shift from just left of center and move farther left (where it is when I consider it spot on) as the horn got louder. Only a few other speakers have ever done this in my room, and it is truly aggravating and irritating to say the least. Ultimately we tried fifty-eleven different locations and toe-in angles (exhausting)... we worked harder on these speakers than any other speaker that's been in my room trying to get them dialed in, but we kept coming up just a bit shy. Keep in mind... we are extremely picky... much more so than what the average listener will likely be... we are looking for absolute perfection in placement. While in the one spot where I thought the imaging was satisfactory, despite the center image being just a little fat (again I was not offended by it), I enjoyed listening to the speakers, and could listen for hours on end very easily, so it wasn't all bad, just a lot of work to get there... and just a little short of perfection. I'm sure most listeners would be laughing at us about now if they heard these speakers in my room, and would claim they sound marvelous. Mind you... a "good" speaker is not "bad", it just may not be as good as others... and our definition of marvelous is very strict because we have compared so many different speakers in my room over the last 10-12 years.

In a nutshell... the biggest differences between the two are that the 15A's have been easier to setup in my room and can be dialed in from several locations and angles with less of a difference in sound. The 15A's have a wider and taller soundstage, contributed to their huge panel size and design, and they have better pinpoint imaging across the soundstage, with better depth acuity. I feel much more immersed in the music with the 15A's than with the F328's. They also absolutely spank the F328's in bass response if you don't have room for subs.

I'll be keeping the 15A's... next?

Bottom line... the Revels were simply no match for the 15A speakers in my room. This is one reason I firmly believe you need to listen in your room if at all possible (I am not ignorant to the fact that this is not possible for everyone). You can base your decision on what to listen to however you want, but the ultimate decision has to be how they sound in your room. I cannot automatically conclude that good measurements are going to make them sound good in my room any more than I can conclude not-so-good measurements are going to make them sound bad in my room.

I might add that measurements in my room favored the 15A over the F328Be at 1M, 2M, and my MLP. I can't say that this directly correlates to what we all heard in the evaluation we did, but it is at least interesting.
People will certainly have different opinions on how to buy products. Perhaps measurements can help you eliminate something you don't want to hear, but I would not automatically call it "trash" before I listen to it just because of measurements. While I've certainly purchased audio equipment based on reviews, and some of the earlier speakers I purchased from the early 80s through the mid/late 2000s were based on reviews, over the last 10-15 years or so, I've not solely relied on any reviews or measurements to help me decide on what speakers to buy (with the exception of the Revel PerformaBe F328Be speakers), and it's been quite a few. The reason is I purchased quite a few speakers based on reviews that I didn't care for, despite good measurements and good reviews. Of course, I don't think the Klippel was around back in the 80s and 90s, but anechoic (and simulated) measurements were. Have I purchased some speakers that I didn't like... yep. But there are plenty of folks out there that wanted them, so it was no problem selling them.

I will also admit that it was not intentional that I did not solely rely on reviews and measurements for several of my speaker purchases. I would say it was more because I just didn't research the speakers. I purchased SVS speakers because I worked for them. I purchased Emotiva speakers because I liked the folks there and had Emotiva amps. I've purchased some speakers simply because of a relationship and really good pricing.

Had I relied solely on measurements to purchase the MartinLogan 15A speakers I owned for a couple of years, I'd probably not have purchased them because the few measurements I could find didn't look all that great. Yet, based on how previous ML speakers sounded in my room, I purchased them. OTOH, I did purchase the Revel PerformaBe F328Be speakers based on numerous glamorous reviews and superb measurements. My thinking was these speakers were going to sound better than my 15A speakers... they would have to sound better... they measure better and everyone that has them loves them. Yet, when we got these in my room, well... here's my take:

Bottom line... the Revels were simply no match for the 15A speakers in my room. This is one reason I firmly believe you need to listen in your room if at all possible (I am not ignorant to the fact that this is not possible for everyone). You can base your decision on what to listen to however you want, but the ultimate decision has to be how they sound in your room. I cannot automatically conclude that good measurements are going to make them sound good in my room any more than I can conclude not-so-good measurements are going to make them sound bad in my room.

I might add that measurements in my room favored the 15A over the F328Be at 1M, 2M, and my MLP. I can't say that this directly correlates to what we all heard in the evaluation we did, but it is at least interesting.
What is confusing to me is like many issues in society today, one is either left or right and cannot be both? Part of this hobby for me is the due diligence phase as I learn more and more about the intricacies of this domain. I personally value the use of measurements as are they are an excellent indicator of the quality in design and build. Alas, what looks good and not good in the measurements, assuming audible, can only really be judged in their final environment. Once there room correction can be applied to address room modes which every speaker will excite.

My point is I do both, in that I base my purchase on objectively measured kit, some listening at the audio store but my final decision truly comes when I hear them at home. To each his own as long as your expectations are met and the sounds delights you!
This shows that measurements, and not always the actual sound, have a significant influence on people's buying. Eric claims his sales dropped off for the M-Lore after the review. Yet, people were buying them previously based on the way they sounded or based on how others stated they sounded. Once the measurements were published, sales took a dive. Those who would have purchased based on sound no longer want them because of measurements? If it's as bad as the measurements that Amir and Erin provided, it makes me wonder what people thought they were hearing that they thought was so good for so many years.

So... maybe the buy based on these kind of comments in a speaker review:

View attachment 69862

So... did Amir's measurements influence what he heard? His comments AFTER the measurements.

Listen first... make your comments on what you hear... THEN do the measurements, if your hearing is that good, the measurements should confirm what you hear. Otherwise, as most professionals suggest, our measurements can cause a bias in what we hear.

In reading reviews on Stereophile, isn't this what they do? They listen, write their review, then measure? I don't know, but I'd be curious to know. Maybe @Kal Rubinson can confirm.
Those guys take pleasure in dissing products that don't measure perfectly on Amir's limited testing method.
What is confusing to me is like many issues in society today, one is either left or right and cannot be both? Part of this hobby for me is the due diligence phase as I learn more and more about the intricacies of this domain. I personally value the use of measurements as are they are an excellent indicator of the quality in design and build. Alas, what looks good and not good in the measurements, assuming audible, can only really be judged in their final environment. Once there room correction can be applied to address room modes which every speaker will excite.

My point is I do both, in that I base my purchase on objectively measured kit, some listening at the audio store but my final decision truly comes when I hear them at home. To each his own as long as your expectations are met and the sounds delights you!
I think this is a very reasonable method of finding the right speaker... nothing wrong with this at all. I suspect there are many others that use this approach.

Those guys take pleasure in dissing products that don't measure perfectly on Amir's limited testing method.
No doubt... it's a brutal place to be if your measurements are not pristine.
Were the videos in post #1 taken down? They say "private" and when I click on the Youtube icon in the bottom right corner, it just takes me to YT's main page. I see Erin's Troubadour #2 video which I started watching. I also don't see any reviews in the index on ASR, although in the forums I saw the review for the Lore from October 2023. Not sure why it doesn't show up in the review index. Can someone provide a link?

Tekton has an interesting following. I was hoping to eventually see some reviews with data to see if the company's claims were worth anything. Based on what I've read, I'm not surprised that Eric would be combative online.
Were the videos in post #1 taken down? They say "private" and when I click on the Youtube icon in the bottom right corner, it just takes me to YT's main page. I see Erin's Troubadour #2 video which I started watching. I also don't see any reviews in the index on ASR, although in the forums I saw the review for the Lore from October 2023. Not sure why it doesn't show up in the review index. Can someone provide a link?

Tekton has an interesting following. I was hoping to eventually see some reviews with data to see if the company's claims were worth anything. Based on what I've read, I'm not surprised that Eric would be combative online.
Taken down by Tekton, but you can still see them because they were saved and re-uploaded by users. Here’s one that was in post 1.

Erin took his first review down after he was threatened with ”litigation “ that apparently, according to Tekton, didn’t mean lawsuit. In Erin’s 2nd review, he includes the original subjective portion from the 1st. In the 2nd review comparative to the 1st review measurements are provided. So, what I’m trying to say is you’re not missing anything. Kind of hard to believe considering Tekton’s response and the ensuing fallout.

Tekton didn’t take this down yet. I think it speaks further to Eric’s personality.


My guess is it’s going to be pretty somber around the Tekton workplace tomorrow morning. I feel for the employees who will also pay the price for the poor judgment and actions of their leader.
Got to love that tagline... The place where we pretend to know a lot more about audio then we really do...

What a can of worms...

P.S. Someone should tell Eric Alexander _NOT_ to make his own YouTube videos... Or write his own Letters, E-mails or commentary... :coocoo:
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Looking back... we evaluated the regular Lore, not the Mini Lore, but we did not have Dirac Live at that time, nor any room correction to fix the slight bump below 2kHz that caused it to be a little bright to us.
I’m happy for Erin this sordid episode appears to be in the rear view mirror. Dealing with the unknown and thoughts of worst case possibilities is really stressful.
The community outpouring of support for him was also really good to see.
Thanks @JStewart

So he wants to approve your measurements before you can publish them? I understand first impressions are lasting ones, and if there is a mistake, the damage is done. Sure a retraction or revision can be made, but many people might have already made up their mind and moved on. But still, maybe magazines are willing to go that far, but it seems a little far fetched that anyone else thinks that's normal. And if there's a disagreement, out come the lawyers? Not someone I'd want to deal with.

Wow, he's done over 20,000 measurements. Heck I'm no one and I've probably done over a thousand. He plans on releasing measurements on future models. Good for him, even if like some other manufacturers, they're a little skewed. But why not release the current ones since he has them? Maybe he plans on better engineering on the future ones?

And if his cabinets are so good, why do the feet screw the whole way into the interior cabinet? I wouldn't want to risk an air leak even if the feet were screwed in. Seems like a bad design choice.

I agree with @ddude003 that maybe someone else should handle public relations.
That may be why Eric took them down. I would personally be embarrassed.

I've had manufacturers request that they preview the review before we publish it on more than one occasion, although it has been rare.

Todd deals more with reviews and likely has more insight on this.
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