Please advise on my mixing/mastering studio measurements


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Jun 26, 2024
Hello. I was hoping to get some insights on my measurements. I am still new to reading these graphs. Does anything jump out at you? Are there any areas I should be aware of when it comes to mixing and mastering? My room is 11x14 and treated pretty well with 4" rock wool panels (with no bass traps). Yamaha HS7 speakers about 62" apart. Yamaha HS8S subwoofer under my desk against the wall. Speakers are right up against the all about 10cm away. Thank you in advance f


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New Member
Dec 14, 2018
I'm not an acoustic expert. The problems start to become apparent at around 40, 80, 100 and 230 Hz (the last one could be some resonance from the speaker's woofer, perhaps some measurements in the near field will give us some more clues).

And I'd also appreciate it if someone could tell me if my analysis has any substance.


Chris A

May 22, 2017
Arlington, Tx
Preamp, Processor or Receiver
Emotiva XMC-1 AVP, Xilica XP-8080 & miniDSP 2x4 HD
Main Amp
First Watt F3, Crown D75-As (5 total) bi-amping
Additional Amp
Crown XTi-1000 for subwoofers (2)
Topping D10 Balanced (stereo only mode)
Universal / Blu-ray / CD Player
LG UBK90, Oppo BDP-103, Laptop
Front Speakers
Klipsch Jubilees (TAD TD-4002 compression drivers)
Center Channel Speaker
K-402-Multiple Entry Horn (full range)
Surround Speakers
Klipsch Belle bass bins with ESS AMT-1, bi-amped
Surround Back Speakers
Front Height Speakers
DIY SPUD Tapped Horn (2) behind fronts
Rear Height Speakers
Remote Control
Logitech Harmony One
...Does anything jump out at you? Are there any areas I should be aware of when it comes to mixing and mastering? My room is 11x14 and treated pretty well with 4" rock wool panels (with no bass traps)...
Looking at your RT60 decay plot, it looks like you might consider about adding one or two bass traps in the front of the room.

Markjay Mixing Mastering Room RT60 Decay Plot.jpg

The area of interest is the 110-130 Hz decay plateau that emerges from the otherwise orderly decay just outside of this band on the high and low sides (assuming this isn't an artifact of noisy computer fans,etc.). This is right in the middle of the room's transition band, which typically is a troublesome region for final mastering. That decay plateau is fairly far down from the direct arrival levels, but I've found that anything in this band can be quite troublesome to handle (the "boominess" region of the room). I'd think about that if you find yourself consistently having to adjust music tracks in this band downwards in order to avoid boominess. This makes for a certain "thinness" in the final tracks when listened to in other rooms.

If you're looking for recommendations on which kind of traps, I'll recommend Owens-Corning 703 (doubled) corner bass traps across the front corner(s) of the room and position such that the end is effectively sealed against the floor or ceiling. These can be adjusted acoustically by sliding them left or right to decrease the enclosed volume between them and the wall, while still sealing the edges against the walls. You can take measurements of the bass trap(s) at symmetric 45 degrees to both walls, then slid along in increments along the corner while the edges are still touching the wall.

You could alternatively place them along the floor at 45 degrees to the floor-wall intersection with edges touching the floor and wall, and one open end sealed against a wall to form an enclosed cavity.

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