REW Can't find any of my measurements?

Chuck Gerlach

Thread Starter
Jun 7, 2017
I purchased an additional Mac and copied everything from Mac1 to Mac2. Everything works as expected except when I open REW, and it shows the places and folders where I have my data, there is no data there.

First photo is of my desktop showing I have a folder named "REW Measurements" and next to it you can see some of the files.
Screenshot 2024-07-12 at 3.58.05 PM.png

The 2nd photo below shows trying to open a file inside of the "REW Measurements" folder but there is nothing in it. I have deleted the REW app and re-downloaded multiple times and nothing changes. I spent a long time on the phone with Apple but since none of their apps have any issues, they assume, and I think correctly, that something may be amiss within REW.

ANY ideas??

Screenshot 2024-07-12 at 4.01.26 PM.png
Lastly, I went to the REW folder, double clicked on one, changed the name and saved it in the REW folder, and REW can't find that one either (nothing shows in the folder)?

ALL of this works find on Mac 1, but not on Mac 2???


John Mulcahy

REW Author
Apr 3, 2017
In the Mac's privacy settings does REW have permission to access files and folders?

Chuck Gerlach

Thread Starter
Jun 7, 2017
Shame on Apple (they never investigated this issue) and thanks to you. REW had access to most files but not the desktop. You are the best - as is REW. !!

Thanks again.
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