Bring home the terrifying film HUSH, a chilling home-invasion thriller from visionary filmmaker Mike Flanagan (The Haunting of Hill House, Midnight Mass, Doctor Sleep), and experience suspense, tension, and horror as you never have before. This timeless masterpiece is highly regarded by Stephen King, who praised it as being “up there with Halloween, and even more, Wait Until Dark.” On November 26, Scream Factory™, in collaboration with Flanagan, Intrepid Pictures, and Blumhouse, is proud to present HUSH Collector’s Edition (4K UHD™ + Blu-ray™) in the U.S. and Canada.
HUSH is being released for the first time on physical media in both 4K and Blu-ray™ formats. This highly anticipated Collector’s Edition includes a newly restored 4K version of the film, supervised and approved by Director Mike Flanagan. Additionally, a new black-and-white version of the film, nicknamed the "Shush Cut," with a new audio mix will be featured. This mix removes nearly all of the score, providing a different effect that is just as terrifying as the original. The Collector’s Edition offers extensive bonus content, including new audio commentaries and interviews with the filmmakers and cast, new feature-length picture-in-picture video commentary with Flanagan and the cast, and much more. The 4-disc set features striking newly rendered artwork and a reversible wrap with a black-and-white version of the new artwork, all housed in a slipcase. A must-have for movie collectors, horror enthusiasts, and film aficionados, HUSH Collector’s Edition is available for pre-order now at and other retailers.
With fans in mind, Shout! Studios and Scream Factory, in collaboration with Flanagan, offer a variety of exciting bundles that contain exclusive add-ons, including items such as an alternate o-card sleeve, poster, and more. These unique bundles are only available at and are perfect for ultimate fans.
Directed by Mike Flanagan, HUSH boasts a stellar cast of Kate Siegel (The Haunting of Hill House, Midnight Mass), John Gallagher Jr. (The Newsroom, 10 Cloverfield Lane), Samantha Sloyan (Midnight Mass, Grey’s Anatomy), and Michael Trucco (Battlestar Galactica, The Fall of the House of Usher). Written by Flanagan and Siegel, HUSH is produced by Trevor Macy, p.g.a. of Intrepid Pictures and Jason Blum, p.g.a. of Blumhouse.
HUSH is a gripping horror thriller that centers on a deaf writer who has retreated into the woods to live a solitary life. She must fight for her life in silence when a masked killer appears at her window. Certified Fresh on Rotten Tomatoes, HUSH received critical acclaim following its debut at SXSW in 2016 and its initial launch on a major streaming platform.
HUSH Collector’s Edition (4K UHD™ + Blu-ray™)
Special Features
- NEW 2024 4K Restoration supervised and approved by Director Mike Flanagan
- NEW Audio Commentary with Mike Flanagan, Actor & Co-Writer Kate Siegel, and Actors Samantha Sloan, John Gallagher, Jr., and Michael Trucco.
Disc Two (4K UHD™, "SHUSH CUT"):
- NEW 2024 4K Restoration - B&W "SHUSH CUT" supervised and approved by Mike Flanagan
- NEW Audio Commentary with Mike Flanagan and Kate Siegel.
- NEW 2024 "Shush Cut" Audio Mix.
Disc Three (Blu-ray™, ORIGINAL VERSION & "SHUSH CUT"):
- NEW 2024 4K Restoration supervised and approved by Mike Flanagan.
- NEW Audio Commentary with Mike Flanagan, Kate Siegel, Samantha Sloyan, John Gallagher, Jr., and Michael Trucco (Original Version).
- NEW 2024 4K Restoration - B&W "Shush Cut" supervised and approved by Mike Flanagan.
- NEW Audio Commentary with Mike Flanagan and Kate Siegel ("Shush Cut”).
- NEW 2024 "Shush Cut" Audio Mix.
Disc Four (Blu-ray™, Special Features):
- NEW Feature-Length Picture-In-Picture Video Commentary with Mike Flanagan, Kate Siegel, Samantha Sloyan, John Gallagher, Jr., and Michael Trucco (Original Version).
- NEW Interview with Samantha Sloyan.
- NEW Interview with Kate Siegel.
- NEW Interview with John Gallagher, Jr.
- NEW Interview with Michael Trucco.
- NEW Interview with Mike Flanagan.
- NEW Interview with Producer Trevor Macy.
- NEW Interview with Composers The Newton Brothers.
- NEW Interview with Director of Photography James Kniest.