Difference in dBFS with a WebAudio Worklet


Thread Starter
Oct 24, 2024

I'm comparing dB FS and db SPL input readings between a Web Audio application that I'm developing and REW.
There is a big difference between the values I'm getting and what REW is providing.

Setup is :

* miniDSP E.A.R.S Gain: 18dB with calibration files.
* An M-Audio Headset
* REW v5.40 Beta 57 (using the API to read FS and SPL) on MacOS
* Audio Worklet processor

class dBFSProcessor extends AudioWorkletProcessor {
constructor() {
this.buffer = [];
this.bufferSize = 512; // Process samples in chunks

process(inputs) { // called every 2.67 milliseconds
const input = inputs[0];
if (input && input[0]) {
const samples = input[0];
let sum = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < samples.length; i++) {
sum += samples ** 2;
const rms = Math.sqrt(sum / samples.length);
const dbFS = 20 * Math.log10(rms); // denominator is 1.0
this.port.postMessage({ dbFS });
return true;

I'm sending a 1Hz sine signal to the headset at 96 db SPL (REW reading)

REW dbFS is -25.6 (stable)

My db FS is ~ -49 dBFS and ~ 88 dBSPL (fluctuating even with a 30 second window average)
Also using calibration files (but at 1Hz this is only 0.2 offset difference)
I'm using a fixed SPL offset of 135 for dbSPL calculation

Why would there be a dB FS difference (-25.6 vs -49) ?

Jan Van Riel

John Mulcahy

REW Author
Apr 3, 2017
Depends what happens in process(inputs) to produce your sample values and how those values are scaled.


Thread Starter
Oct 24, 2024
I'm making progress but not quite there yet:

There is a repo with code that I wrote to do various comparisons:

(I can't seem to create posts with URLs yet)

Repo on github
Under id jvanriel
repo name: levels

Note that I'm using the multi-channel version of REW.

There is a screenshot with results in folder results

There are still some pending questions as noted in the README and mostly related calculating dBSPL
  • Why is there a 3dB difference in dBFS readings with REW?
  • What is the fixed SPL offset that we should use?. Current default is 94.
  • What are we supposed to do with the sensitivity factor precisely?
  • Do we just add the variable (frequency dependent) offsets?
  • Is there other processing that should be done first such a filtering or weighting?
Note that I'm using REW with E.A.R.S to validate a medical application. I really need to understand exactly what is happening. I'm not a sound engineer but learning a lot from this process.


John Mulcahy

REW Author
Apr 3, 2017
See the View preference "Full scale sine rms is 0 dBFS", which determines whether the rms level of a full scale sine wave is show as 0 dBFS or -3 dBFS. The AES standard is to select this, but it conflicts with the mathematical definition of rms.

For a current UMIK-1 using WASAPI Exclusive or ASIO (meaning the Windows volume control is not applied) you can convert dBFS to dB SPL by adding a fixed offset:

offset (dB) = 94 + 24 - sens factor + 6

94 dB is the reference level used when the mic sensitivity was measured during manufacture. 24 dB is the UMIK-1 gain at maximum volume, used when the mic measurement was made. The 6 dB is an offset that may depend on how you have defined 0 dBFS and the scaling of your FFT. You may not need it or you may need a different figure.

The SPL offset does not depend on frequency.
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