Understanding Extra Sweep in Audiolense Measurements of a 4-way stereo system


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Jan 28, 2019
Dear All,
I’m currently learning Audiolense to manage my 4-way active stereo system. Please forgive my ignorance if my question seems naive to more experienced users here. After configuring the frequency range for each of the 8 sweeps, I initiate the measurements. However, I notice that instead of 8 sweeps, I get 9 – with one of my treble channels receiving an additional sweep. Could someone explain the rationale behind this extra sweep? I would greatly appreciate your insights!
Best, Olivier.
In the Measurement Window, look under the Advanced Settings pull-down and you will see 'Use Clock Drift Correction' is checked. Audiolense detects whether you are using two different recording and playback devices and sets this value by default. It then performs the extra sweep to help correct differences between the two devices clocks. If you are using the same device you can uncheck this setting.