Newbie question - REW and Umik-1 problem


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Feb 12, 2024

Trying to get REW to work with Umik-1 but get this message when uploading the calibration file:
"The cal file has a sens factor entry but the input is not recognized usb mic. The sens factor entry will not be used."
What does this mean and what am I to do?
I also had this message. If this is the very first connection to Umik, then you need to close REW and restart the computer. Let Umik remain connected. After reboot, run REW. There will be a message that Umik has been detected, should I use it? Agree. This time that message about sens factor should not appear. It worked for me like this. But it looks like something John can fix.
Hi sm52

Yes, it's the first time connecting the Umik-1.
OK, I'll try that.
Thank you very much!
I'm always using the latest version and I always get this error. I'm using FlexASIO and UMM-6 and it's PITA to haul out my mic calibrator every time I want to use the SPL meter window to reset the data.
It doesn't matter what driver is used. Java, ASIO4ALL and FlexASIO.

I need to use ASIO to be able send signal to the miniDSP Flex Eight. If I use Java drivers I have to load miniDSP Console to configure, then unload and load REW to use USB to send audio, then unload to use Console to load settings. If I don't, the Flex Eight goes south and I have to reload both DSP and XMOS firmware and settings.

Using FlexASIO, I'm able to connect the Flex Eight, UMM-6 USB microphone and USB 2 TosLINK adapter concurrently to the same USB ports each time and REW recognizes them. However, REW does not remember the MIC calibration, whinging it doesn't recognize the USB mic, forcing me to calibrate the setting every time I start REW.

REW could use a "I ONLY USE THESE DEVICES" option and keep the bleedin' calibration :daydream: IMO, it's silly to have a list of a half dozen microphones for the same device depending on what port is used. - I know it's a USB feature as I wrote firmware to load & update embedded OS over USB... ☢️
Please use the "Generate diagnostic file" option in the help menu and attach the file, making sure the mic and devices are connected first.
Well, this is embarrassing. One thing I thought I had done was setting WASAPI exclusive ON. When I checked the setup, both were off. I turned them on and restarted several times. Everything came up fine and the dB meter was correct. Sorry for wasting your time.