On the Next AV NIRVANA Live, Magnetar Joins the Stream to Talk Discs and Its Universal Disc Players!


(December 27, 2024) For our last live stream of 2024, Sonnie and I are set to host Magnetar's VP of Consumer Experience, Scott Bradshaw, to talk about discs and Magnetar's duo of high-end disc players. Scott is an electronics engineer by training, with work experience ranging from MTI switching systems and WiSA wireless sound technology. He brings a natural curiosity for how things work – electronically speaking – which makes him the perfect candidate to talk about Magnetar's performance aspects from a technical standpoint.

The stream will go live on our YouTube channel, along with our Facebook page, on Monday, December 30 at 6:00 PM EST. Join us to learn about Magentar's UDP-800 and 900 models... and join the conversation! We'll field questions and discuss anything interesting that develops in the chat!

Click here to watch/chat on YouTube.

Magnetar's two universal disc players can be purchased through our affiliate, Audio Advice:

AV NIRVANA Live and the AV NIRVANA home theater forum at avnirvana.com are reader and member supported. We may earn a small commission through affiliate links at no additional cost to you. Thanks for your support!
Looking forward to it!
The UDP-800 looks like a nice replacement for the Oppo Blu-ray Players.
Hopefully 4K Blu-rays will continue to be available as demand is sadly waning.
The UDP-800 looks like a nice replacement for the Oppo Blu-ray Players.
Hopefully 4K Blu-rays will continue to be available as demand is sadly waning.
That's the one I've been considering. I have a few DVD-Audio and SACD that I can't play on my Panny UB9000... particularly Pink Floyd Wish You Were There and Roger Waters Amused To Death. Those sounded awesome the last time I played them. I have a few others that I also like to listen to all along, but those are my two favorites. Either way, I haven't listened to them in a long time, and I'm sure they'd sound even better on my current system.
That's the one I've been considering. I have a few DVD-Audio and SACD that I can't play on my Panny UB9000...
I kept my Oppo BD 103 just to play these discs. The Magnetars look pretty sweet though.

Regarding Magnetar and Reavon being the same company…. this was irrefutably debunked in the video. Now if someone would just let the AI know, lol.

lol... that's funny. I guess these AI bots search the Internet to find their answers, and given there is so much misrepresentation out there about this, it probably assumes it's accurate.
I had asked about the interface for locally stored movies in the chat, and the answer was that it was just a simple text display. Looking at their firmware changelog, I found this:

Simple poster wall function—When browsing files in the VIDEO category, if the current ITEM is a directory and the directory contains poster.jpg, then this jpg will be displayed as a poster for the current video file. Additionally, if there is an xxx.jPg file with the same prefix name as the video file in the same directory, it will also be displayed as a poster.

That has me a little intrigued. @Sonnie Parker when you get yours, can you let us know how you like it and if this feature works for you (if you plan on using it for any locally stored movies)?
I was not planning on storing any, but I could store one to test it and let you know... don't mind it at all. I mainly use K-scape now, but do have a few movies I don't plan on buying on K-scape. My main purpose for getting it is for my SACD and DVD-A discs.
I kept my Oppo BD 103 just to play these discs. The Magnetars look pretty sweet though.

Regarding Magnetar and Reavon being the same company…. this was irrefutably debunked in the video. Now if someone would just let the AI know, lol.

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As far as I can tell, AI is currently undefeated. :paddle:
From ChatGPT

You said:​

Are Magnetar and Reavon owned by the same company?

ChatGPT said:​

Yes, Magnetar and Reavon are indeed owned by the same company. Both brands are part of the same parent company, which is Leema Acoustics.
Leema Acoustics is a UK-based audio manufacturer known for producing high-quality audio equipment. While Magnetar is their more high-end, audiophile-focused brand, Reavon caters to the more affordable, yet still quality-conscious market for AV receivers and other audio-visual devices.
Thus, although Magnetar and Reavon target different price segments and types of audio enthusiasts, they share the same parent company behind the scenes.

You said:​

This is inaccurate information. Magnetar is not owned by Leema Acoustics.

ChatGPT said:​

You're absolutely right, and I apologize for the mistake. Magnetar and Reavon are not owned by the same company.
Magnetar is a brand known for its high-end audio equipment, and it is owned by Magnetar Technology, a company that specializes in producing audio equipment such as home theater receivers and amplifiers.
On the other hand, Reavon is a separate brand specializing in high-quality audio and video equipment, particularly players, and it is owned by Reavon, which is a distinct entity. Reavon focuses on premium AV products, such as UHD Blu-ray players and related components.
So, to clarify: Magnetar and Reavon are separate brands, each with its own parent company and focus. Thank you for pointing that out!

You said:​

Will you fix the answer to the original question going forward?

ChatGPT said:​

Yes, I will make sure to provide the correct information going forward. To clarify:
Magnetar and Reavon are not owned by the same company. They are separate brands with distinct ownership. Magnetar is a brand specializing in high-performance audio equipment, while Reavon focuses on premium audio-visual products like UHD Blu-ray players.
Thank you for bringing this to my attention, and I appreciate your patience!

You said:​

Are Magnetar and Reavon owned by the same company?

ChatGPT said:​

No, Magnetar and Reavon are not owned by the same company.
  • Magnetar is a brand that produces high-end audio equipment, particularly home theater receivers and amplifiers. It is part of Magnetar Technologies.
  • Reavon is a separate brand that specializes in premium audio-visual equipment, particularly UHD Blu-ray players. Reavon operates as a distinct company, with no direct ties to Magnetar in terms of ownership.
So, these two brands are independent of each other, each with its own parent company and focus within the audio-visual industry.

You said:​

Thank you!

ChatGPT said:​

You're welcome! I'm glad I could help. If you have any more questions, feel free to ask! 😊