Using REW for general octave band analysis/sound transmission loss


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Nov 6, 2019
Apologise if the heading isn't correct but I just want to use REW in a room where there is a night club upstairs. I want to measure the full range frequency to see the the transmission loss through the ceiling.

If the above sound system plays sweep or generic live white noise, and I have REW on my laptop downstairs obviously disconnected from the sound system, is there a way to capture the measurement?
You could play periodic pink noise upstairs and capture the result on the RTA downstairs. You can save RTA results using the button above the graph.
You could play periodic pink noise upstairs and capture the result on the RTA downstairs. You can save RTA results using the button above the graph.
The button above the graph? Can yo please be a little more specific? Usually, you press the start button to start a sweep, in this case where do I go to capture the pink noise.
Great thanks so much for this. I knew it was basic.

One more question does REW provide an Octave Band Analysis or do we just get the db at exactly each frequency rather than a computed dba summation of the Octave band?

I'm presuming i need a sound meter for that right?