Can I use Repeated Measurements option with Multi-input Capture?


Thread Starter
Feb 3, 2025
The Pro Upgrade to REW allows for multiple mic measurements at a time. But before I spend $100 for the upgrade, I want to make sure it can do what I have in mind for loudspeaker Spinorama measurements. Can I use the Repeated Measurements option with the Multi-input Capture capability?

An example: I can place 4 XLR microphones at different off-axis locations. I want to use the "Repeated Measurements" option, where I can set REW to take 3 measurements with a 15 second delay between measurements while I adjust my manual turntable. If I correctly set the "Add number" feature, will this work, such that REW can auto-number microphone 1's measurements _0, _15, _30; microphone 2's _45, _60, _75; microphone 3's _90, _105, _120 and microphone 4's _135, _150, _165? i.e., I can record12 SPL measurements from 0 to 165 in 15 degree increments with just 3 Repeated Measurements.
You can use repeated measurements with multi-input capture to acquire the data, but the numbering won't work out as you want. The individual inputs will be labelled with an input number suffix (e.g. -1, -2, -3, -4) and the number would go up in increments of increment*number of inputs, so if you set 15 as the increment (for example) you would end up with 0-1, .. 0-3 then 60-1, .. 60-3 etc.