Need help with "The channel setup is not supported by the sound card - Maybe too many channels?" error


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Feb 28, 2021
I am currently using a Motu 8D to feed two DACs so that I can run a DSP crossover with audiolense. However I'm having absolutely no luck getting it to work in Audiolense itself currently.

If I choose the "Motu Pro Audio ASIO" driver as the output, then it connects to all four channels, 'test connection' feature works fine, BUT, since I'm not measuring with the Motu as an input device for the mic, I can't actually use the ASIO driver as I get this error:

This is expected since you can't mix ASIO/WASAPI, but the problem is that I cannot get the WASAPI device to work at all. I attempt to use the 'Out 1-24' device and when hitting 'check speaker connections' or attempting to start the measurement I just get this:

Same error occurs if I enable and try to use DirectSound as I saw in threads elsewhere that solved the problem for others. Unfortunately not for me.

Also if I use MME this is what I get:


Does anyone know how to solve this? I cannot for the life of me get AudioLense to output to the Motu 8D

The status bar says: "Format and device combination is not supported". I don't think there's need to even try when that comes out.

Enable separate play & recording streams
Check that windows default is 48k & 24 bit for play and recording
And if that doesn't work set wasapi to shared mode.

Some of the combinations of usb dacs and UMIK are very difficult to get working, but maybe this will get you through.
The status bar says: "Format and device combination is not supported". I don't think there's need to even try when that comes out.

Enable separate play & recording streams
Check that windows default is 48k & 24 bit for play and recording
And if that doesn't work set wasapi to shared mode.

Some of the combinations of usb dacs and UMIK are very difficult to get working, but maybe this will get you through.
Thanks Bernt

I tried the separate streams option, which does then allow me to actually make a measurement with the ASIO output to the Motu and MiniDSP WASAPI in, but then it seems to get all of the timings completely wrong, including thinking one of my main speakers is several ms behind the other, and the resulting filter makes imaging REALLY weird.

I just tried again today though and it seems to be working! Literally nothing has changed so I've no idea what the issue was, but I'm going to go ahead and try doing some measurements shortly.

A few questions if possible:

- About multichannel/2.2 correction: Is there any meaningful difference between choosing the "2.2" setup option with the bass routing frequency etc, vs following Mitch's approach where he has a custom setup, no 'bass routing' but rather manually configured high/low pass filters and everything set to "fullrange"?
Is there any particular reason to set the mains to "small" vs "fullrange" or vice versa?
For reference, I'm using Focal Sopra 3's, SVS SB16-Ultras and trying to crossover at 40hz

- If wanting to do partial correction up to say 400hz, is there any way to have Audiolense add a basic shelf or tilt to the remaining range to keep it close to/normalize to the target? I know there's a "use target as EQ" option, but that seems to just apply the target curve shape as an EQ, which if the speaker response happens to be going up at the point you choose for partial correction you can end up with the rest of the response meaningfully higher or lower than the target.

- When choosing "mono WAV" as the output option for use with HQP, it provides 6 files not 4, which of these 6 do I use?
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If you get the correct delays between left and right tweeter, the timing of the measurement is ok, which is what can go wrong there. You probably need to kee an eye on that for the future too.

When you choose a 2.2 config, you get two extra correction filters. One extra for each of the subs in the case of playing a format with an LFE channel. Furthermore, the crossover settings are more flexible if you just add your subs as drivers in a 2.0 config.

Yes, you can use the target as an eq, which means that you need to account for how you want to correct in the top while designing the target. You may have to tweak a few of the settings in the partial correction tab to get the result you desiire. Trial and error.
Just wanted to update as a friend of mine bought AudioLense today and is encountering the exact same issue. He's just on AudioLense 2.0. No XO or multichannel stuff, but cannot use WASAPI exclusive or it tells him his soundcard is no good

And I suspect that the Umik don't support exclusive mode. that may have something to do with it too.
Just wanted to update as a friend of mine bought AudioLense today and is encountering the exact same issue. He's just on AudioLense 2.0. No XO or multichannel stuff, but cannot use WASAPI exclusive or it tells him his soundcard is no good

View attachment 77338

You and friend need to get a better mic like EMX-7150

And use single interface for both DAC and mic pre/ADC - and therefore single ASIO driver.

This is the solution to smoothest Audiolense experience.

Trying to get a UMIK-1 to work can be a nightmare. And even if you can get to work (say with ASIO4ALL) i wouldnt trust the measurement for the timing with ASIO4ALL, and therefore would not trust the correction. Especially timing correction