Bass loudness compensation when using Audiolense


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Sep 30, 2021
I've been using and have been quite happy with Audiolense.

However, I've been told that compensating for bass loudness can only be accomplished using a feature in JRiver.

Is there another app or software solution available and, if not, a suggestion for creating a lower volume filter to take bass loudness into account?

By that I mean what tips might someone offer explaining how I could calculate the lower volume filter I want?

Thanks in advance for your suggestions.

What kind of bass compensation are you referring to? I am only aware of one, the +10dB for low frequency effects, and that can be handled by Audiolense.
Thanks for your question.

I'm talking about the psychoacoustic effect in which bass seems disproportionately lower at lower volumes. At night, when our kids are sleeping, I have to listen at lower volumes. That's why I'm trying to discover the best method to compensate for that issue.

I have different AL curves for rock music with enhanced bass — and jazz / classical with a “flat” curve. I switch between them in HQPlayer. Not sure what your playback software is, but you could create a “night listening” curve with enhanced bass that you use for the purpose you describe. JCR
Thanks jrobbins50.

I'm using Roon.

It's suggestions like yours I'm looking to collect.

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Great feedback, ddude003.

It appears the Fletcher-Munson curve is exactly what I was talking about.

As I use Roon Rock, I can't add any plugins but at least I have a better idea of the issue I want to deal with.

Thanks for helping me with that.

Your welcome... I would suggest you contact Mitch Barnett @Mitchco at and see if the hang loose host won't solve your problem...

FYI... I use the Hang Loose Convolver + FIR filters to do Room Correction DSP and add a layer of one of a few Old Skool EQ emulations to add a little taste/color all via VST plugins...
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