Reviving an ancient programmable remote


Thread Starter
Dec 29, 2020
Preamp, Processor or Receiver
Yamaha RX-A3060, RX-V1900, RX-V1075
Universal / Blu-ray / CD Player
Yamaha BD-S681, Sony UBP-X800, Oppo BDP-83
Streaming Equipment
BlueSound Node2i
Front Speakers
PSB Image T65, PSB Century 800, PSB Century 300
Center Channel Speaker
PSB Image 8C, PSB Century200, PSB Century 100
Surround Speakers
PSB Image 1B, RBH A600, PSB Alpha Minis
Surround Back Speakers
PSB Image 1B
Rythmik LV12-R, PSB Subsonic 6, PSB Subsonic 5
Video Display Device
UN65KU6491 65"/UN55MU7000 55"/UN50MU7100 50"
Remote Control
Logitech Harmony 650
When I purchased the Yamaha EQ-630, the man through in an ancient Harmony 659 remote. I never thought much of it and squirreled it away. However, I had added the Iomega ScreenPlay MX2 as my digital music (only) source to the Yamaha 2 channel stack. This necessitated the use of a remote so I simply retained the functionality of Iomega and created an another activity to the main Logitech Harmony 650 remote that I use on my Yamaha HT stack. The 650 is programmed to capacity and I couldn't add any more devices to it like the pre-amp and the EQ. In a stroke of genius, I thought why not use the ancient remote instead of wasting another Logitech Harmony 650 on it. I said waisted because there are a lot of things in the 2 channel stack that requires hands on like eject andnext/previous track on the DVD player, power up the power amp, and NT settings on the deck.

So here its is..back from electronic wasteland.

So you visited the landfill and stumbled across an oldie but goodie. :T
So you visited the landfill and stumbled across an oldie but goodie. :T
One man's garbage is another man's treasure. You never know what one can find.

Refreshing to see a repurpose for something that, in a lot of cases, would be rotting somewhere in a landfill. Honestly, that notion is bothering me more and more these days.

Great save!
I have a drawer full of old remotes, but never had the Harmony.