Audiolense for Car Audio


Thread Starter
Mar 1, 2025
Preamp, Processor or Receiver
Brax DSP
Main Amp
Brax MX4Pro
Additional Amp
Helix C4
A&K SP3000
Front Speakers
Focal Utopia
Hi, Wondering what version of Audiolense would be most suited for multiway measurements of a car audio system. I am running a 3Way Front Stand + Front Sub & a Rear Sub all running discrete channels. The way I capture the date at present is using a 7mic array and a PC running Smaart 9. As far as the processing goes its IIR's. However, I would like to embrace FIR's and working on a Pi5 + HiFIBerry DAC audio hat running Camila DSP and Moode. My question is if Audiolense can multicapture, provide timealignment data for all the channels and help generate multiphase FIR filters.
Thank you
Hi there,

You need Audiolense xo for this task.

Audiolense does multichannel measurement, so all timing differences between drivers are captured.

I’m aware of one instance where Audiolense has been used in a car in the past. The result was very good.
Thank you so much and just the thing I was looking for. Is there a trial version of the XO? Do you know how it fairs against the FIR Designer M?
The trial version allows for correcting 90 seconds of wave filed music, but only for regular stereo.

In addition, you can save dummy filters that may be usable for testing if your setup works, technically.

But more important; Audiolense comes with a satisfaction guarantee. You can reverse the purchase and get a full refund inside 3 months.
Thank you, that sounds brilliant. This would be Audiolense 6.29 right? For Multichannel your recommendation is XO once I’ve tried the Trial which is a Stereo version.