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Feb 27, 2025
I am new to Rew. I have maranz50 with Klipsch system and Ascendo sv12 sub. Have bought umik1 . Tried to take some measurements and partially successful. Want to know what is the end to end process to be followed in Rew after taking measurements and how to fine tune and eq our system for better performance. Please help.

Want to know what is the end to end process to be followed in Rew after taking measurements and how to fine tune and eq our system for better performance.
The answer to your question is pretty broad, without universal agreement, and equipment dependent.

Having said this, optimal speaker and subwoofer placement can make a big difference and is always the place to start, because EQ can’t always overcome problems resulting from placement or listening position. The subwoofer will be particularly sensitive to placement. You can use REW to compare measurements from different locations. Smoothest SPL response is best. Measure only one speaker at a time.

There are some good beginning REW guides posted here by REW’s author:

To help with generating and applying filters created in REW, knowing what equipment you have available to store and process the filters is essential. Do you have this equipment already?

Having looked up the features of your Marantz 50 there a couple not present that can be particularly useful for obtaining measurements and optimizing subwoofer integration. They are the ability to set crossover point and slopes and to be able to set relative delays between speakers and subwoofer. EQ can still be done. There may be some limitations.

I will offer this advice… if you are wanting to approach this as a fun learning experience and you’re willing to invest your time into it, then press on. However if you’re just wanting the result, there are usually easier ways to get there using automated room correction products(EQ) like Dirac Live. Some of the hardware platforms Dirac Live runs on will also overcome the limitations in the paragraph above. Have a look at some of the MiniDSP products for examples.

Hope this helps a little and welcome to the forum!
If I am understanding you correctly your Marantz 50 is a 2.2 channel integrated amplifier... It would be very helpful if you would fill in some details about the source of the input to this integrated amplifier... A turntable, a laptop or some kind of computer running some music player software to a DAC? Or perhaps a network streamer/DAC combination? Knowing a little more about your use case would help us make better recommendations for your solution possibilities...
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If I am understanding you correctly your Marantz 50 is a 2.2 channel integrated amplifier... It would be very helpful if you would fill in some details about the source of the input to this integrated amplifier... A turntable, a laptop or some kind of computer running some music player software to a DAC? Or perhaps a network streamer/DAC combination? Knowing a little more about your use case would help us make better recommendations for your solution possibilities...
Marantz cinema 50 is 9.4 av receiver and can process 11 channel's with power amplifier
Oh, the _Cinema_ 30... That is a horse of a different color... The Cinema 30's Room Calibration and EQ is handled by Audyssey MultEQ XT32. Part of the set up process, you need only connect the _supplied mic_ to the input on the front panel and follow the prompts. Easy peasy... Otherwise, RTFM...

If you plan on using Roon or some other music player software you could consider additional EQing depending on what you are wanting to achieve... Not knowing your entire signal chain or use case makes it difficult to make additional suggestions...
I made the same mistake. There is a current Marantz Model 50.
Good news, the Cinema 50 runs Dirac. If you have multiple subs totaling in number less than or equal to the number of independent sub-outs on the Cinema 50, then Dirac Live Bass control is the way to go. More subs and there’s workarounds.

It’s not inexpensive, but then neither was the Cinema 50. 🙂

A MiniDSP UMIK-1 is the Dirac recommended measurement mic and you have that.

Dirac will give you a refund window, but they don’t mention it in their marketing. Potential customers can reach out to them using their help desk to ask about a refund if it doesn’t work or sound good after purchase.

At this point I would say that this has nothing to do with REW unless there is something beyond Audyssey or uplifting to Dirac... Again, I would suggest RTFM... Or tell us about your entire signal chain and use case... I'm out...
At this point I would say that this has nothing to do with REW unless there is something beyond Audyssey or uplifting to Dirac... Again, I would suggest RTFM... Or tell us about your entire signal chain and use case... I'm out...
what is RTFM? I am using APPLETV 4K for streaming, Zidoo z10 pro for hdd and Sony x700m.