Export filters inpulse response as WAV


Thread Starter
Mar 6, 2025
Preamp, Processor or Receiver
Emotiva XSP-1
Main Amp
Adcom GFA-565SE
Additional Amp
apt-1 for center and surround
Schiit Bifrost 2/64
Music Server
Mac mini
Computer Audio
Mac mini
Universal / Blu-ray / CD Player
USB Superdrive
Streaming Subscriptions
Front Speakers
Sonus Faber Cremona
Center Channel Speaker
Sonus Faber Cremona
Surround Speakers
Speakercraft MT FOUR
2x Velodyne F1800Rii
Panasonic 65" plasma
Video Processor
Integra DHC-80.2
some Monster Cable cables; nothing crazy
Ubiquiti Networks UniFi Dream Machine Pro
U7 Pro access point
Dan Clark; Ether
Headphone DAC/Amp
Lehmannaudio Linear headphone amp
Whole House System
Roon and network for distribution
Secondary/Additional Room System
Kitchen: Schiit Bifrost DAC, Emotiva USP-1 preamp, Adcom GFA-555ii, ADS L-series speakers
Additional Room System
Bedroom: Schiit Bifrost DAC, Lehmannaudio Linear headphone amp, Dan Clark Ether, NAD integrated amp, little Infinity speakers
Additional Room System
Garage: Marantz pre/pro, apt-1 amp, ADS L-series speakers
I'm trying to export L + R EQ settings to import into Roon. I'm using this cookbook forum post in Roon Software Discussion: a-guide-how-to-do-room-correction-and-use-it-in-roon
Instructions are to export, in stereo, using "Export filters inpulse response as WAV." It seems that when executing the Export, the export routine cannot find the EQ files. I have the measurement and EQ files in the same folder, and REW remembers this folder for storing EQ versions. It just doesn't offer the files in this folder to be opened for the export.

If there is nothing open, the export routine seems to take the top 'recent file' and use that for both channels -- even though this is a data file and not an EQ file. The dropdown menu to browse for the correct file only shows the same filename that is already in the field.

If I open an EQ file by dragging the file to the "EQ filters" window, the Export routine now gives the option to use "current filters" as the file. Same for both channels. Again, the only thing offered by the dropdown menu is "current filters," which is what is in the field.


REW allows me to export the EQ files as text or formatted text, but Roon does not recognize the result as an EQ file.

How can I accomplish this export to WAV?
Am I doing somethig wrong using the export function?
Any suggestions other than just entering each filter manually? (I'm doing this now as a workaround, but it's not conducive to trying different REW filter outputs.)
Any guidance is appreciated.

Filters belong to measurements. Load the filters into a measurement and choose that measurement for filter response export.