low volume on sweeps


Thread Starter
Mar 21, 2025
Main Amp
purifi 9040sa
topping d90
Audiolense made some great filters for my last speakers (thank you, Mitch). Now trying it on my own for new laptop+speakers.

When attempting to run sweeps through audiolense 6.21, I'm seeing very low output from the speaker (maybe 70dB) Measurement setup is windows, UMIK-1 microphone, to toping usb dac. I'm using WASAPI (both mic and output).

Things I have already checked:
System can play (music in jriver) very loudly, so it's not that.
Amps on high gain, but not enough.
Adjusting windows volume doesn't change anything.
mic set to the max level in Audiolense(0dB).

Is there some adjustment I can make the sweep amplitude? Alternately are there some factors I can adjust which then affect the amplitude? Thanks!
Hi Climbclimb,

The default in the measuremen module is minus 20 dB. It is set low to protect rigs with very high sensitivity. Perhaps you need to crank it up a few dB?
thank you - I actually did set the measurement level all the way to max (0dB).
Turns out windows volumes affect the overall volume for WASAPI - the coefficient is just so much smaller than I'm used to. Oddly, now I can easily send my 9040sa amps into protection mode without getting too loud. Tried doing a 5s sweep from 30Hz, thinking there was overall less energy going into the bass.

86 dB could be enough range for the measurements?

Making progress. Curious why there is the remaining dip in the upper midrange of one speaker, especially when they measure similarly in that range. Allowing up to 8dB correction. Relevant to this, I'm not sure how the target is scaled(or not) to the measurement.

