Final set up

Wonderful Escape Room


Ex bedroom converted to Audio/Video and office. Omega Super 5, Hoyt Bedford Type 1, Emotive surrounds, Axiom M2V3, Axiom M22V3, Aperion 4C center, Outlaw Audio LFM1 Plus 1.jpg 2.jpg 3.jpg & Boston subs. Applification - Denon SS, Musical Paradise MP301-MK2, Artel Andrew Audio Veermak1 (prototype hybrid SET) and Yamaha CD-C600 CD player.


WOW. This space looks fantastic!!!

Thank you. A bedroom once occupied by my younger son that sits atop the garage. When I started the conversion I placed some older Sansui speakers, vintage Pioneer receiver and direct drive TT. Sound was okay but to my ears didn't have the resolution and refinement of today's gear. The Omegas work perfectly in the space. I feel the overall sound is organic. Like living in Avatar without the bombs.
Great conversion and nice collection of speakers! Do you have any surround speakers? Have room for a bigger Tv or screen?
Great conversion and nice collection of speakers! Do you have any surround speakers? Have room for a bigger Tv or screen?

Current (rear) surrounds are Emotiva XRM-4.1 sats. Others (not in use now) are Axiom QS4's on stands. I could get a slightly larger TV but it would have minimum impact with not-so-minimum effort. Listening area is mid field (where the Omega's absolutely shine BTW) also contributes to leaving the unit (TV) in place.
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