2 channel

  1. Todd Anderson

    A Behind-the-Scenes Look at the Friendliest National Home Theater Retailer In the US: Value Electronics

    (May 24, 2024) On a recent road trip from Boston to Washington, DC, I had an opportunity to make two home theater pitstops. One was at Trinnov's new US Headquarters in Connecticut (more on that visit soon) and the other was in a New York City suburb at Value Electronics' flagship store. Value...
  2. 3dbinCanada's Basement Setup

    3dbinCanada's Basement Setup

    I thought I would share the evolution of my basement system since I moved into my present home. Its a long story filled with thought processes along the way. I tried to make it light as possible. I'm humbled when I compare the evolution of my system and room compared to many of the systems and...