acoustic measurement

  1. S

    Long RT60 measurements

    Hello, first thank you for this absolute weapon of a software. Amazing work! Now my question: Sometimes I would like to measure space with long reverberation (>3sec.). Is there a way how to tell the REW to "wait" between repetitions? Beacause with the long RT60 times there is still reverberance...
  2. K

    REW Testing For Speaker Design

    Hi, I am a mechanical engineering student currently working on my Masters project to "design a loudspeaker for a specific listening environment" (my project brief). I plan to design a pair of bookshelf-style passive speakers to use with my amp and turntable set up in a room in my parents house...
  3. S

    Why did my room frequency change in 2 weeks?

    Hello to all, I'm Sean. I noticed on April 10th earlier this month that when I measured the frequencies in my room I received a measurement of -8.7 as a final result. My room measurement came back flat. However yesterday when measuring again I received a measurement of 31.2. My room is treated...
  4. L

    John Mulcahy - Creator of REW!

    An AV NIRVANA VIP is John Mulcahy. We want to highlight John because for the AV NIRVANA community, which consists largely of audio and video hobbyists and DIYers, the advent of the ability to do our own analysis of the behavior of our systems in our actual rooms really changed things. When...